Airline Quality Rating 2023: The 33nd year reporting airline performance

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Bowen, Brent D.
Headley, Dean E.
Issue Date
Research report
Airlines--Quality Control , Airlines--Rating of , Quality assurance , Customer satisfaction
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Bowen, B. D., & Headley, D. E. Airline Quality Rating 2023. Wichita State University, 2023.-- 14 p.

The Airline Quality Rating (AQR) was developed and first announced in early 1991 as an objective method for assessing airline quality on combined multiple performance criteria. This current reporting, the Airline Quality Rating 2023, reflects monthly Airline Quality Rating scores for calendar year 2022. AQR scores for 2022 are based on 15 elements in four major areas that focus on airline performance aspects important to air travel consumers over the calendar year of 2022. The Airline Quality Rating 2023 is a summary of data for U.S. airlines that are required to report performance by virtue of having at least 0.05% of domestic scheduled-service passenger revenue during 2022. Using the Airline Quality Rating system of weighted averages and performance data in the areas of on-time arrivals, involuntary denied boardings, mishandled baggage, and a combination of 12 customer complaint categories, the AQR reports airlines' comparative performance for the calendar year of 2022. This report contains a summary of the AQR methodology and data that tracks comparative performance quality for domestic airline operations for the 12-month period of 2022 and the industry. Also, comparative Airline Quality Rating data for 2021 are included, where available, to provide historical perspective regarding performance quality in the industry.

Table of Contents
The Airline Quality Rating Report is a product of academic research from co-authors Dr. Dean Headley and Dr. Brent Bowen. The research originated at the W. Frank Barton School of Business, Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas. Dr. Bowen and Dr. Headley's research on the development of the national Airline Quality Rating (AQR) is viewed by more than 75 million people each year and is annually featured by national news outlets such as ABC's Good Morning America, CNN, NBC's Today Show, C-SPAN, USA Today, The Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, Aviation Week and Space Technology, the network evening news shows and in numerous other national and international print and electronic media. Bowen and Headley have served as invited expert witnesses before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Operations and as invited speakers and panelists for such groups as the National Academy of Sciences/Transportation Research Board, Department of Transportation, and other congressional and executive panels. Their body of research has been recognized with awards from the American Marketing Association, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Travel and Transportation Research Association and others.
Wichita State University
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