eDECIDE a web-based problem-solving interventions for diabetes self-management: Protocol for a pilot clinical trial

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Redmond, Michelle L.
Nollen, Nikki
Okut, Hayrettin
Collins, Tracie C.
Chaparro, Barbara S.
Mayes, Paigton L.
Knapp, Kara
Perkins, Amanda
Hill-Briggs, Felicia
Issue Date
Digital intervention , Diabetes , African American , Problem-solving
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Redmond, M. L., Nollen, N., Okut, H., Collins, T. C., Chaparro, B., Mayes, P., . . . Hill-Briggs, F. (2023). eDECIDE a web-based problem-solving interventions for diabetes self-management: Protocol for a pilot clinical trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 32, 101087. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101087

In the US, diabetes affects 13.2% of African Americans, compared to 7.6% of Caucasians. Behavioral factors, such as poor diet, low physical activity, and general lack of good self-management skills and self-care knowledge are associated with poor glucose control among African Americans. African Americans are 77% more likely to develop diabetes and its associated health complications compared to non-Hispanic whites. A higher disease burden and lower adherence to self-management among this populations calls for innovative approaches to self-management training. Problem solving is a reliable tool for the behavior change necessary to improve self-management. The American Association of Diabetes Educators identifies problem-solving as one of seven core diabetes self-management behaviors. Methods We are using a randomized control trial design. Participants are randomized to either traditional DECIDE or eDECIDE intervention. Both interventions run bi-weekly over 18 weeks. Participant recruitment will take place through community health clinics, University health system registry, and through private clinics. The eDECIDE is an 18-week intervention designed to deliver problem-solving skills, goal setting, and education on the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Conclusion This study will provide feasibility and acceptability of the eDECIDE intervention in community populations. This pilot trial will help inform a powered full-scale study using the eDECIDE design.

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Elsevier Ltd
Book Title
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications
Volume 32
PubMed ID