The Sunflower, v.56, no.10 (November 15, 1951)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.10, Wichita, Kansas, November 15, 1951 - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): UW will hold ISA convention here Saturday: 50 delegates expected from seven colleges for all-day meeting -- ROTC presents 'explosive' fair -- School, city cooperation need is stressed by Dean E. Olson: educator calls on universities -- Rosen elected press officer -- Alumni captains' names released -- Fletcher survey shows decline in enrollment -- Class picture deadline set -- Program for 'Y' conference on November 16 and 17 released -- Round about the campus / Nancy Rittenoure -- Extras sought in Passion Play -- Club corner: 10 UW clubs list activities for this week -- Gammas name Jeanne Crow 1950 'Betty Coed' Saturday -- Kappa Delta Pi plans initiation -- 'Kowboy Karnival' is planned to raise funds for WSSF -- Decker directs chair -- 302 are taking speech training -- 2nd faculty recital scheduled this week -- University of Wichita couples reveal engagements, December nuptial plans -- Dean leads talk about workshop -- 6 women to pledge Zeta Phi Eta frat -- Eight debaters attend meeting -- Faculty group plans concerts -- Fine idea... -- University psychological study shows racial heritage not always apparent / Chin Ok-Kim -- Deferment plan defended from critical attack -- Student aid exams set by government -- College provides new work plan for students -- US papers are in new room -- ISA begins thirteenth year at UW as national coed social organization / Ann Earp -- 5000 see Mozart's opera; performance pleases critics / Joan Kallail; Bob Barber -- Guidance helps poor students -- Eastern college begins unique trial this year -- Students 'test' faculty members -- Methodist denomination has largest membership at UW -- University band to give concert -- 'Battle of Keg' is Wednesday -- Relations group rules resolution -- Nelson to present next English reading -- Club organized on salesmanship -- Ed Majors told to keep watch on birth trend -- Shockers head for Boston; Fenway Park scene of tilt -- Drake's victory moves Bulldogs to second spot -- Volleyball tops 'murals agenda -- Drake edges UW Shockers without services of Bright -- WRA volleyball schedule begins -- The sports clock / Al Alvarez
Photograph(s): [Public Affairs] Conference consultants: [Dean Emery] Olson, Dr. [Morris B.] Lambie, Dr. [Edwin A.] Cottrell, Dr. [Edwin O.] Stene, [L. P.] Cookingham, and [Jack F.] McKay. p. 1 -- The fund drive: Principal figures in this year's student-alumni fund drive are (left to right), Don Pray, alumni fund chariman; Greg Beuke, and Ruth Mercer, senior representative on the student-alumni fund committee. p. 1 -- Jeanne Crow. p. 2 -- Bright's day: Johnny Bright (second from right), Drake's injured All-American candidate, receives a plaque commending him for his fine play and sportsmanship. Making the presentation are Shocker co-captains Mike Knopick (left) and Eddie Zegler. At the right is Drake's co-captain Bob Binette. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.10
PubMed ID