The Sunflower, v.62, no.25 (January 10, 1958)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Student Health Service
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.62, no.25, Wichita, Kansas, January 10, 1958. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Tuition hike discussed as revenue measure / Vance Arbuckle -- University to offer insurance -- SC says directory profitable -- WU placed on year's probation -- Play tryouts end tonight -- WU debaters travel west for tourney -- Events editor position open -- Equipment provided member of campus vets' rifle club -- Another inevitable? -- Sunflower positions close - Roster released for tickets -- Bureau schedules senior interviews -- Press polls rate WU high: Shocks take 12th, 20th in wire polls -- 'Mural champs announced -- 3 named to CAC Board -- Business junior cited for award -- Chairman named for Hippodrome -- Practice teachers to meet Tuesday -- WU to host rifle match
Photograph(s): The spiraled Sputnik of the basketball court holds the attention of the two top Shocker rebounders Ev Wessel (51) and Al Tate [illegible]. Although the above photo shows action in the WU-New Mexico encounter last Saturday, the pair teamed up against North Texas late Wednesday to help the Shockers win their 10th game in 11 starts [illegible] rolling over the North Texas State Eagles 80-54. p. 1 -- Shocker Don Woodworth holds the ball tight to prevent two New Mexico Lobos form grabbing it last Saturday night's game. The Shocker basketball team won their eight consecutive game, downing the New Mexico University team, 81-63. p. 3 -- [Bill] Keltner; [Ron] Eeles. p. 4 -- Accounting student Jim Unruh, second from right, receives congratulations, as the "Outstanding Male Junior" in the College of Business Administration, from Fred Kunkle, Wichita, chairman of the Special Awards Committee of the Cosmopolitan Club. Others pictured are Fran Jabara, associate professor of accounting, and Don Schreck, president of the Cosmopolitan Club. p. 4.
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.62 no.25
PubMed ID