The Sunflower, v.59, no.16 (February 1, 1955)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Jardine, William Marion, 1879-1955 , Mitchell, Jack
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.59, no.16, Wichita, Kansas, February 1, 1955. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 10 cadets get bars -- Gals to host HYM shindig Friday -- 2nd semester enrollment may reach 3,600 here -- Add six to faculty -- Pub board announces new Sunflower staff -- WU deans campaign -- Sweethearts don new dress -- Annual staff to give oil painting to queen -- Editor receives KPW award -- Dr. Jardine dies in Texas -- Titans invade forum tonight -- 3 games Wednesday: Intramural cage play begins -- Wyoming deals Shocks defeat -- New seminar room open in Ad Building -- School owns tank tester -- University 5th among schools to offer civilization course -- Seniors give recital -- A bi-annual lineup -- A big job ahead -- College of Adult Education offers new night classes -- Shakespeare would shudder: 'Dream' becoming nightmare -- Music faculty to play tonight
Photograph(s): Prospective Belles: Seven University coeds representing women's organizations on the campus have been named as candidates for Belle of the HYM dance to be held Friday. Six of the smilin' candidates are, from left, Beverly Wells, Martha McMillin, Evelyn Murray, Janis Kinney, Joan Lauterbach, and Pud Hoyer. Not pictured Marilyn Koop. p. 1
Article(s): 10 cadets get bars -- Gals to host HYM shindig Friday -- 2nd semester enrollment may reach 3,600 here -- Add six to faculty -- Pub board announces new Sunflower staff -- WU deans campaign -- Sweethearts don new dress -- Annual staff to give oil painting to queen -- Editor receives KPW award -- Dr. Jardine dies in Texas -- Titans invade forum tonight -- 3 games Wednesday: Intramural cage play begins -- Wyoming deals Shocks defeat -- New seminar room open in Ad Building -- School owns tank tester -- University 5th among schools to offer civilization course -- Seniors give recital -- A bi-annual lineup -- A big job ahead -- College of Adult Education offers new night classes -- Shakespeare would shudder: 'Dream' becoming nightmare -- Music faculty to play tonight
Photograph(s): Prospective Belles: Seven University coeds representing women's organizations on the campus have been named as candidates for Belle of the HYM dance to be held Friday. Six of the smilin' candidates are, from left, Beverly Wells, Martha McMillin, Evelyn Murray, Janis Kinney, Joan Lauterbach, and Pud Hoyer. Not pictured Marilyn Koop. p. 1
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.59 no.16
v.59 no.16