The Sunflower, 1929-1930, no.15, February 5, 1930

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Fairmount Hall Memorial , Student Council -- Unaffiliated representation
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.15, Wichita, Kansas, February 5, 1930. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Work on building started: Pouring concrete for the foundation begun this week -- Fire destroys car and garage off Neff -- Lieurance receives genuine flagolette -- Prominent this month -- W.U. wind tunnel is used for the first time for testing model -- Wilner in cast of Women's Club play -- Carnival will be March 7: Hippodrome to be presented in Henrion Gymnasium again this year -- R.O.T.C rifle team will go to Kemper -- Repair worked begun on wrecked glider -- University women sleep while men hard at work -- George W. Carver, famous scientist, as chapel speaker: Renowned Negro educator from Tuskeegee Institute -- New R.O.T.C. uniforms for lower classmen -- Announce plan for memorial: $32,000 Campanile Tower will be built by alumnus -- Eight students of other lands at W.U.: Increase of 38 students from other states shown in report -- Cadets to inspect 15 millimeter guns -- Revise constitution to give barbs vote in Student Affairs -- New manager for W.U. cafeteria: Wichita University graduate now in charge of "dump" -- Attitude important in writing sports -- This issue of "Sunflower" is of interest to everyone -- Offering 24 extra courses: Mrs. H. W. Foght to teach Home Economics Department -- Girls' rifle team holds match today -- Sport program added in men's physical ed. -- University prof has trotted over globe: Tended cattle and peeled carrots for passage to and from Europe -- University student on road to fame thru animal photos: Lorene Squire, junior has turned her hobby of making bird and animal pictures into a profitable business -- 'Hello' girl in line for insane asylum: Telephone operator must know everything says Mary Lawson -- W.U. student comes from actor family: John Hubbard, freshman has had semi-professional experience on stage -- Survey shows many W.U. students work -- Society and Clubs: Gay informalities occupy center of social spotlight; Praises Pitts work in Student Congress; Choir and quintet present programs; Isaacs-Piyor wedding vows read Saturday; Football scoreboard has been completed; Every chapter has own philanthropy: List shows imposing array of charities sponsored in region -- Wichita wins two games and drops one in central cages race -- Shockers win two one-sided central conference games: Harold Grove leads Wichita scoring by making 34 points in two games -- Wheatshockers win city college title -- U. of Wichita track men to compete in Kansas City relay
Photograph(s): Red Moffat. p. 1 -- Miss Helen Pearl Talbot, sophomore, and member of Pi Kappa Psi sorority, is one of the popular and talented young co-eds to be taken into the University Players dramatic organization of the University of Wichita, at the formal initiation dinner to be held tonight. p. 3 -- Above is shown the University of Wichita, mile relay team which will run at the K.C.A.C. Relays to be held in Kansas City, Saturday, February 8. Left to right: Capt. Pipkin, Forward, Gregory, and Carter. This same team won the mile relay event at the K.C.A.C. Relays Iast spring. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.15
PubMed ID