The Sunflower, v.43, no.14 (December 9, 1937)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.14, Wichita, Kansas, December 9, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Week-end weather: (Official U.S.Weather Bureau) Snow with light notherly winds. Not much change in temperature.
The Sunflower is the only college newspaper in the state which maintains its own photographic service.
Article(s): Dr. Ebright to rap plan as racket -- Leisure time is source of worry -- Friends to open with university -- American youth is 'in bad shape' -- Seven off to student legislature -- Hang pictures of Sunflower 'Eds.' -- Elaborate stage production opens here tonight, 8:25 -- Council to hand out personnels for committees -- Allman judges college papers to pick leaders -- 'Tom-Tom' issue off press soon; is 'illustrated' -- Yearbook will be discussed in board meeting -- Melcher will be honored in book -- Chemistry found to be toughest college course -- Profs swindled by 'ex-war vet' here last week -- Library plan is considered here -- Army Ball makes gain of six cents -- Lloyd McKinley addresses club -- All-music convo being arranged for Wednesday -- Melcher wll be honored in book -- Sociology students visit reformatory -- High school grads boost enrollment -- Jardine speaker at farm bureau -- Hekhuis speaker at Lion meeting -- Theses by local men are listed -- Downtown students present two plays -- Queen Reser has birthday today -- Chemical magic creates products of the future -- Blue Key fraternity to decorate campus -- Congress rather be home hunting -- Forum unbiased, wants knowledge of speakers -- Only 'adolescents' read comics before editorials -- Christmas ought to mean more than $1.38 bargains -- Launching of new plane is viewed by all nations -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Croft releases factors for happy married life -- Orchesis group to give program -- Grad gossip -- Debate team to go to Chickasha, Okla. -- Greek organizations plan series of parties for Yuletide season -- Howse will speak at business meet -- French Club will have Christmas dinner, program -- Calendar -- 'Elizabeth, the Queen' will feature glamorous and jeweled costuming -- Five former students announce weddings set for holiday season -- Roundabout -- Date of skate is changed -- Alpha Phi Omega will have sport dance on Friday -- D.O. pledges fete actives at dinner -- Intramural race keen; Phi Sigs leading field -- Alpha Tau, D.O. are undefeated in volley ball -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick -- Advocate openly paying athletes -- Class schedules to be ready soon --Boxing program well underway -- Swimming team has good start -- Women to sponsor four-season skate -- Varsity wins over local hockey club -- Handball and ping pong start soon -- Eight teams fight for volley title -- Age of youngest person in Sooner school is 70
Photograph(s): Noone, Reser go regal: Mary Elsie Reser, playing the title role in the University stage production, "Elizabeth the Queen" and Tom Noone, newcomer to the campus stage will be featured in three evening performances beginning tonight in the campus auditorium. "Elizabeth the Queen" is to said to be the most lavish production ever presented here. Under the direction of George D. Wilner, head of the dramatics department, the play will be given tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night, starting at 8:15. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Boo!: It's Sir Walter Raleigh, Gene Setzer, favorite of Queen Elizabeth in the forthcoming stage production of Maxwell Anderson's "Elizabeth the Queen," opening tonight in the University auditorium. p. 3 -- Dale Neelly, member of last year's frosh squad, is expected to be one of Coach Hennigh's outstanding varsity players this season. He fills a forward position. p. 4
Week-end weather: (Official U.S.Weather Bureau) Snow with light notherly winds. Not much change in temperature.
The Sunflower is the only college newspaper in the state which maintains its own photographic service.
Article(s): Dr. Ebright to rap plan as racket -- Leisure time is source of worry -- Friends to open with university -- American youth is 'in bad shape' -- Seven off to student legislature -- Hang pictures of Sunflower 'Eds.' -- Elaborate stage production opens here tonight, 8:25 -- Council to hand out personnels for committees -- Allman judges college papers to pick leaders -- 'Tom-Tom' issue off press soon; is 'illustrated' -- Yearbook will be discussed in board meeting -- Melcher will be honored in book -- Chemistry found to be toughest college course -- Profs swindled by 'ex-war vet' here last week -- Library plan is considered here -- Army Ball makes gain of six cents -- Lloyd McKinley addresses club -- All-music convo being arranged for Wednesday -- Melcher wll be honored in book -- Sociology students visit reformatory -- High school grads boost enrollment -- Jardine speaker at farm bureau -- Hekhuis speaker at Lion meeting -- Theses by local men are listed -- Downtown students present two plays -- Queen Reser has birthday today -- Chemical magic creates products of the future -- Blue Key fraternity to decorate campus -- Congress rather be home hunting -- Forum unbiased, wants knowledge of speakers -- Only 'adolescents' read comics before editorials -- Christmas ought to mean more than $1.38 bargains -- Launching of new plane is viewed by all nations -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Croft releases factors for happy married life -- Orchesis group to give program -- Grad gossip -- Debate team to go to Chickasha, Okla. -- Greek organizations plan series of parties for Yuletide season -- Howse will speak at business meet -- French Club will have Christmas dinner, program -- Calendar -- 'Elizabeth, the Queen' will feature glamorous and jeweled costuming -- Five former students announce weddings set for holiday season -- Roundabout -- Date of skate is changed -- Alpha Phi Omega will have sport dance on Friday -- D.O. pledges fete actives at dinner -- Intramural race keen; Phi Sigs leading field -- Alpha Tau, D.O. are undefeated in volley ball -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick -- Advocate openly paying athletes -- Class schedules to be ready soon --Boxing program well underway -- Swimming team has good start -- Women to sponsor four-season skate -- Varsity wins over local hockey club -- Handball and ping pong start soon -- Eight teams fight for volley title -- Age of youngest person in Sooner school is 70
Photograph(s): Noone, Reser go regal: Mary Elsie Reser, playing the title role in the University stage production, "Elizabeth the Queen" and Tom Noone, newcomer to the campus stage will be featured in three evening performances beginning tonight in the campus auditorium. "Elizabeth the Queen" is to said to be the most lavish production ever presented here. Under the direction of George D. Wilner, head of the dramatics department, the play will be given tonight, tomorrow night, and Saturday night, starting at 8:15. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Boo!: It's Sir Walter Raleigh, Gene Setzer, favorite of Queen Elizabeth in the forthcoming stage production of Maxwell Anderson's "Elizabeth the Queen," opening tonight in the University auditorium. p. 3 -- Dale Neelly, member of last year's frosh squad, is expected to be one of Coach Hennigh's outstanding varsity players this season. He fills a forward position. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.14
v.43 no.14