The Sunflower, v.67, no.01 (September 21, 1962)

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Sours, James K. , S. Carnot Brennan Residence Halls , Brennan Residence Halls , Student housing , Men's dormitories , Women's dormitories , Language laboratory , KWIC radio station
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.67, no.1, Wichita, Kansas, September 21, 1962. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Fall enrollment passes 6,000: 200 more enroll than last year -- Shocks to battle Arizona St. 'Devils' here tomorrow -- French class opens -- New Brennan residence halls dedicated at official opening -- Sours and Berg named as deans of LA and UC -- Coeds rush Oct. 1 -- Sagging school spirit sparks discussion at first SGA meet -- Frat grades cited by NIC -- 8 students needed for SGA post -- Editorial views: From the editor's desk -- $1 flu shots offered here -- GOP membership program continues -- Civil service exams -- 'Shirt' parade slated before Arizona game -- Power boost for KMUW -- Army Blues drill team to sponsor tea Sunday -- 3-act play tryouts set for tonight -- Duplicate bridge meet scheduled for CAC -- Dean's dabble / Larry Dean -- Church open house -- Job interviews -- All-American prep gridders spark frosh -- Language lab for 30 recently opened here / Doris Mortimer
Photograph(s): New dormitory units adjoining the former men's residence hall at 17th and Yale are providing housing for approximately 130 students. p. 1 -- Chairman of the stadium committee, Dr. Lucas, answers SGA questions concerning more effective methods of obtaining game tickets and student seating arrangements. p. 1 -- Dr. Eugene Savaiano, head of Spanish department, demonstrates to students the recently installed $16,000 language laboratory. p. 6
"New $16,000 Language Lab See Page 6"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.67 no.1
PubMed ID