The Sunflower, v.46, no.20 (February 6, 1941)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Sipple, Leslie , Nelson, Frank
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.20, Wichita, Kansas, February 6, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Progress is subject for forum talk -- Hippodrome plans revealed -- Des Moines station to honor debaters -- Sipple new head of placement officers -- Former faculty member held by Nazi authorities -- Four committees named by Wylie -- New stadium work delayed by weather -- Cope research department reveals simple date rules / Sarah Cope -- Wilner reveals change in play -- Wilkie is delegate at Topeka meeting -- W.U. bureau places 100 instructors -- Two C.A.A. units receive training -- Botany department has 'venus flytrap' -- Army must reject half of draftees -- Odd fish need no care in zoology's special aquarium -- Lieurance will present British benefit concert -- High school groups see panel exhibition -- Lieurance conducts Ada school chorus -- Jardine speaks at Topeka celebration -- Cashier in Washington -- Campus coalitions draw up official platforms, slates for class election Tuesday -- Brown will report on student meeting -- Setzer gives talk for political club -- Library displays complete Stephen Foster collection -- '38 grad attends four-century old school in Mexico -- Rydjord talks at Pratt -- Honors will go to senior men -- 1941 varsity show will be postponed -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Council constitution to undergo revision -- Ensemble to play for M'Dowell club -- Y.W. seeks members -- Book fines hit low mark for semester -- Cooper's article is printed by journal -- Grad gossip: alumni office preparing new record files -- Four university sororities hold initiation services for new actives -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Calendar -- Sorority pledges fete active group -- Sororities reveal new term pledges -- Pledges entertain university players -- Women's Pan-Hell has installation -- Best pledges named -- Shockers to tackle tough foe / Bob Jones -- Missouri Valley hopes dampened / Bill Mandle -- Jayhawks flash late attack in beating Munies -- Delta Omega leads Pi Kaps in matches -- Gridders will be College Inn guests -- Spring sports have veterans -- Wichita takes Emporia State -- Tonight's games open intramural basketball here / Bill Hodge -- Boxing, wrestling entries to sign up -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- Track event is set for March
Photograph(s): Branson new head: Pictured above is Bob Branson, I.S.A. member, who has recently been named coalition leader of the campus party for the coming year. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson. p. 2 -- Dr. Will Durant: Dr. Will Durant is regarded as America's greatest philosopher and historian. Because of his incisive wit, his polished epigrams and above all, his profound observations on contemporary life, he has frequently been compared with Voltaire. His lectures deal with the basic issues of the day, seen in the illuminating perspective of philosophy and history. p. 2 -- Hesse visits campus: Joe Hesse, 1940 graduate of the university, will return to service at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, after a week's visit in Wichita. He is an active second lieutenant. While attending the university, Mr. Hesse was a member of Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity and president of the organization in his senior year. He was a member of Scabbard and Blade and a Blue Key man. p. 2 -- Jones with DuPont company: J. Elmore Jones, a graduate of the university, has accepted a post of doctorate research fellowship, which is one of six granted in the United States by the DuPont company. His new work will not begin until Sept. 5, thus giving him the opportunity of continuing his research work at Harvard University. Mr. Jones will receive his degree of doctor of philosophy in June at Harvard. He received his master of science degree this last year from there. While attending the University of Wichita, Mr. Jones was an outstanding chemistry student and received the Swett Prize, given to the student with the highest scholastic average during his senior year. Mr. Jones also graduated with honor summa cum laude. p. 2 -- Commons celebrates fourth anniversary: Since its formal opening four years ago, the Student Union Building has become the popular center of all campus activity. Students, faculty and Wichita business firms join in congratulating Miss Gladys Sissel and her staff - with best wishes for the continued success of the Commons. p. 3 -- Bert Hayes: No. 61, is shown making the basket that brought the Shockers to within two points of the Kansas Jayhawkers just before the end of the first half. Kansas was victorious by a score of 54-39. p. 4 -- Mandle. p. 4
"Blue Key says - When parking your car don't endeavor to park it permanently."
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.20
PubMed ID