Flight loads monitoring of USFS aerial supervision modules
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Kliment, Linda K.
Rokhsaz, Kamran
Menon, Alok N.
Nelson, John A.
Terning, Brett R.
Weinstein, Edward M.
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Conference paper
Linda K. Kliment, Kamran Rokhsaz, Alok Menon, John Nelson, Brett Terning, Edward M. Weinstein. Flight Loads Monitoring of USFS Aerial Supervision Modules. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 13-17 of January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland, http://dx.doi.org./10.2514/6.2014-1204.
The USFS has collected flight data on Beechcraft King Airs which are being used as Aerial Supervision Modules. Data from seven aircraft is presented. The missions are separated into four flight phases: climb, cruise, descent, and lead. The vertical loads are separated into those due to gusts and those from maneuvering the aircraft using the two-second rule. The gust and maneuver load exceedance charts are presented for the individual phases, as well as for the entire flight. The loads are presented in various AGL altitude bands. In addition, the gust and maneuver loads are combined into one curve, containing all altitudes, and compared to existing data.
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Paper submitted to the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference held at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor (Maryland), 13-17 of January 2014.
American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Book Title
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference: 13-17 of January 2014, National Harbor (Maryland).