The Sunflower, v.46, no.27 (March 27, 1941)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.27, Wichita, Kansas, March 27, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Faculty will participate in program -- Marine reserve seeks officers -- Cap-gown orders must be placed -- Wilner selects ten to present Whitehand play -- Agar declares U.S. must fight -- Elliott to address Beloit organization -- '41 Queen of city busses to be named -- Allman judges school annuals -- Students to attend meeting in Missouri -- Manhattan loss in fire proves small -- Downtown unit reaches record high enrollment -- Hippodrome magic casts spell over its directors / Josephine Rice -- Forum to elect officers April 3 -- 75 new volumes now in library -- Music students to gather here for competition -- U.S. naval reserve asks for officers -- 'Thief of Bagdad' is theme of the 1941 Hippodrome show -- Sale of senior announcements will end soon -- Former student receives 'wings' -- Senior honored by theological school -- I.S.A. delegates attend meeting -- Layman to preside over tour program -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Spring turns young man's fancy to crew of all stuff / Gleason Seaman -- Debate team speaks for rotary meeting -- Read is math editor -- Grad gossip: Many attend dinner for forum speaker -- Students answer questionnaires on Y.W. conference -- Linn to speak for joint 'Y' meeting -- Home Ec Club meets -- Sorosis planning 'draft' theme in informal party -- Neff attends meeting -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Pep club to hold vice versa dance -- Student aid group to have meeting -- Dinner party held by men's division -- Band gives concert -- Sterrett replaces Hennigh; Ely takes over track duties -- Sterrett calls basketball men -- Golf, tennis men leave for Tulsa -- Holyoke Hall is again victorious in track events -- Construction delayed -- Trackmen meet Oklahoma A.&M. here Saturday -- Phi Sig bowlers take 1941 crown -- Meeting draws three delegates -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- Delta Omega wins final rifle match -- Sipple is delegate -- Gym gems -- Sievers to talk Friday -- Male quartet sings
Photograph(s): Hindu hoodoo for the 1941 Hippodrome: What the trick camera here does to Bob Hollowell and Alma Louise Gray, who are in charge of ceremonies for the Hippodrome, is exceeded only by what these two promise to do for that annual event which is scheduled for the university auditorium, Friday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. p. 1 -- Rumpf. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson p. 2 -- Milbourn in charge: Max Milbourn, '36, director of public relations at the university was the publicity chairman for the Student Forum dinner held in honor of Herbert Agar, lecturer. This was one of the first dinners of the Student Forum sponsored by the University Alumni Association. p. 2 -- Hippodrome chairmen make plans: Final plans are being made by general chairmen Kathleen Hitchner and Ruth Strickland for the 1941 Y.W.-Y.M. Hippodrome which will be held March 28 in the university auditorium and gymnasium. p. 3 -- Mandle. p. 4 -- Watch the B.D.O.C. nominees: Bob Allen, Alpha Gamma Gamma, and Jack Swensson, Men of Webster, both candidates for B.D.O.C., were snapped with their charming companion, Helen Drugan of Pi Kappa Psi. They are viewing the latest in spring styles at Harvey Bros. p. 4
"W.S.S.F. says - A nickel for the Chinese may lead to peace for all the world."
Article(s): Faculty will participate in program -- Marine reserve seeks officers -- Cap-gown orders must be placed -- Wilner selects ten to present Whitehand play -- Agar declares U.S. must fight -- Elliott to address Beloit organization -- '41 Queen of city busses to be named -- Allman judges school annuals -- Students to attend meeting in Missouri -- Manhattan loss in fire proves small -- Downtown unit reaches record high enrollment -- Hippodrome magic casts spell over its directors / Josephine Rice -- Forum to elect officers April 3 -- 75 new volumes now in library -- Music students to gather here for competition -- U.S. naval reserve asks for officers -- 'Thief of Bagdad' is theme of the 1941 Hippodrome show -- Sale of senior announcements will end soon -- Former student receives 'wings' -- Senior honored by theological school -- I.S.A. delegates attend meeting -- Layman to preside over tour program -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Spring turns young man's fancy to crew of all stuff / Gleason Seaman -- Debate team speaks for rotary meeting -- Read is math editor -- Grad gossip: Many attend dinner for forum speaker -- Students answer questionnaires on Y.W. conference -- Linn to speak for joint 'Y' meeting -- Home Ec Club meets -- Sorosis planning 'draft' theme in informal party -- Neff attends meeting -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Pep club to hold vice versa dance -- Student aid group to have meeting -- Dinner party held by men's division -- Band gives concert -- Sterrett replaces Hennigh; Ely takes over track duties -- Sterrett calls basketball men -- Golf, tennis men leave for Tulsa -- Holyoke Hall is again victorious in track events -- Construction delayed -- Trackmen meet Oklahoma A.&M. here Saturday -- Phi Sig bowlers take 1941 crown -- Meeting draws three delegates -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- Delta Omega wins final rifle match -- Sipple is delegate -- Gym gems -- Sievers to talk Friday -- Male quartet sings
Photograph(s): Hindu hoodoo for the 1941 Hippodrome: What the trick camera here does to Bob Hollowell and Alma Louise Gray, who are in charge of ceremonies for the Hippodrome, is exceeded only by what these two promise to do for that annual event which is scheduled for the university auditorium, Friday, March 28 at 7:30 p.m. p. 1 -- Rumpf. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson p. 2 -- Milbourn in charge: Max Milbourn, '36, director of public relations at the university was the publicity chairman for the Student Forum dinner held in honor of Herbert Agar, lecturer. This was one of the first dinners of the Student Forum sponsored by the University Alumni Association. p. 2 -- Hippodrome chairmen make plans: Final plans are being made by general chairmen Kathleen Hitchner and Ruth Strickland for the 1941 Y.W.-Y.M. Hippodrome which will be held March 28 in the university auditorium and gymnasium. p. 3 -- Mandle. p. 4 -- Watch the B.D.O.C. nominees: Bob Allen, Alpha Gamma Gamma, and Jack Swensson, Men of Webster, both candidates for B.D.O.C., were snapped with their charming companion, Helen Drugan of Pi Kappa Psi. They are viewing the latest in spring styles at Harvey Bros. p. 4
"W.S.S.F. says - A nickel for the Chinese may lead to peace for all the world."
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.27
v.46 no.27