The Sunflower, v.42, no.19 (January 28, 1937)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Allman, Leo W. (Leo William), 1904- , Department of Speech Science
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.19, Wichita, Kansas, January 28, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): New concert orchestra is set for debut -- Army juniors given vaccine -- Mikesell speaks to Augusta Club -- Jardine plans Western trip -- Hamlet uses home talent -- R.O.T.C. unit here increases in size -- H.Y.M. campus' mystery, soon will have 'unveiling' -- Commons gains instant acclaim of all students -- News pictures are needed by annual editors -- 4-H Club will pick officers -- Debaters will be heard over local station -- Frogs oblige - lay on order -- Croft offers new sociology course -- Hillbrand elected to directorship -- Egyptian life is subject of next speaker -- Varsity meets A.U. debaters -- Influenza descends on the campus, nation: Wichita hospitals are crowded with patients; Epidemic appearing to lose force on campus -- W.U. scouters win national recognition -- Cadet held on robbery charge -- Flood-sufferers in need of aid -- Schools refuse tax payment to government -- Interest shown in new courses -- Mary Neff wins slogan prizes -- Congress again off on mad scramble to fill law books -- Soil erosion greatest enemy facing people of this country -- Great men teach us how to win; we need also to learn to lose -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Final exams funny? Just ask profs who read 'em -- Naismith honored as cage inventor -- Pen guards test rifles with K.U. -- Offer of Texas U. stumps campus -- Moundbuilders down Shockers -- Shocker frosh schedule game -- Ten games to fill football schedule -- Pre-medics to install new officers tonight -- W.A.A. sponsors gay social affair -- Women's Panhellenic installs new heads -- Nautical motif marks final pledge courtesy -- Colophon is to hold breakfast meeting -- Cies honored by army band -- Delta Omega rushees complimented at tea -- Speech science lab gives tea -- Kappa Rho entertains at rush buffet supper -- Roundabout -- Shockers to meet Tigers in double bill -- Sick list -- St. Louis to be next foe here -- Gorillas catch Tigers in race -- Many activities set in women's sports -- Close contests by intramurals feature games -- The sporting thing / Floyd Snitz -- Women's sport glances / Laura Howard
Photograph(s): Debaters: Kansas State debaters who will meet Henry Onsgard and Edmund Jacoby in a radio debate over KFH next Monday night are shown above, (above) Howard Crawford and John Rhodes. p. 1 -- Director: Henry R. Lamont, organizer and director of the University symphonic orchestra which will make its debut next Sunday. p. 1 -- Scout: Max Hatfield, president of the Scouter's Club, who has been instrumental in getting a local chapter of Alpha Pi Omega, the National Scouting fraternity. p. 1 -- Pep Club president: Miss Mary Evelyn Brincefield, president of the Women's Pep Club, which will perform at forthcoming basketball games. She is also on the committee for the H.Y.M. dance to be held Feb. 12. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.19
PubMed ID