The Sunflower, v.56, no.11 (November 30, 1950)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.11, Wichita, Kansas, November 30, 1950. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Variety show Saturday night: "Shock Treatment" will feature students, faculty entertainers -- ROTC to pick colonel December 7 -- Music fraternity to sponsor concert attendance contest -- Red Cross plans bloodmobile visit -- Debaters leave for Iowa meet -- Shockers meet 'Cats Saturday -- Abrams to be concert guest -- Round about the campus / Mary Fran Sullivan -- Univerity students reveal plans for winter weddings -- Greek dances are scheduled -- Different...: Frosh gridder finds new use for headgear -- Classes hear O'Bryant sing -- Club corner: Dramatic group plans comedy, student party -- Bridge tourney planned for '51 -- KMUW to air K-State game -- Library circulation shows slight drop -- School cultural report released -- What Abe didn't say -- Scouts out: A guest editorial / Bill Bernard -- Know your campus: Debate Club members to discuss world problems at Iowa U. / Cliff Kraus -- Sound off!: Letters keep social group, game seat, safety issues alive / Dan Nyberg; Mary Helen Wall; Bob Gebhart -- Courtesy and car knowledge essentials for safe drivers / Joan Longorio -- Actors to offer 'Born Yesterday' -- Works of art to be shown -- Santa, Rudolph visit institute -- Two productions will be presented by University Opera Theater December 14-16 -- Foundation to give prizes for articles -- King selected as A Phi O president -- All-Stars: Shockers name Missouri Valley opponent team -- ISA to hold annual dance -- Pi Kap wins in volleyball game -- Webster gridders keep keg; Davis, Houlik spark 13-7 win -- South of the border...: Savaiano plans 16-day tour of Mexico for students, June 1 -- Phi Upsilon Sigma scores 30 points to beat Pi Alpha Pi in second tilt -- Shockers trim Nevada 37-19 in annual Turkey Day tilt -- Valley Elevens grab victories over holidays -- Squad selects team awards -- Moreland wins cross country -- Giffen receives $60 scholarship -- Blood needed -- Annual campus safety drive underway; Prizes will be awarded to students
Photograph(s): It's "shocking": Oh, the utter stupidity of it all is exhibited by Jack Campbell (at attention) and Rankin Griesinger (the mouth) in preparation for the student-faculty variety show, "Shock Treatment," which will be presented at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Auditorium. p. 1 -- Candidates for 1950 Honorary ROTC Colonel: (Left to right) Marilyn Scott, Sorosis; Johnell Yost, Pi Kappa Psi; LaVonne Wright, D.O.; Barbara Mathews, I.S.A.; Pat Bennett, Kappa Rho; Dee Gist, Alpha Tau Sigma. p. 1 -- One, two, three, kick: Four University modern dancers rehearse for the student-faculty variety show, "Shock Treatment." (Left to right) Audrey Blume, Connie Weckle, Donna Henry, and Sharon McDow preview their antics for one of the show's feature acts. p. 2 -- No cheer leaders but many trophys [sic]: Giving their all for the school without aid of a cheering section, cheerleaders, or a marching band, the University of Wichita Debate Team has nevertheless triumphed over opponents as evidenced by the impressive array of trophys [sic]shown above. Left to right are debaters Loren Keller, Bill Tincher (graduated) , Merton Rymph, Phillip Mohr, debate coach, Bill Reynolds, graduated, and Russell Watson. p. 4 -- Cliff Edds and John Baker are pictured holding the football they kept as a trophy after Phi Upsilon Sigma defeated Pi Alpha Pi fraternity in the annual grid. p. 10 -- Jacques Abrams, pianist. p. 12
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.11
PubMed ID