The Sunflower, v.56, no.21 (March 15, 1951)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Caesar, James , Decker, Harold A. , Robertson, James
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.21, Wichita, Kansas, March 15, 1951. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): World Student Service Fund show Saturday: 'The Lid's Off' will spotlight 'huge' chorus -- Benefit concert here: Ceasar to solo with symphony -- ROTC plans activities for annual field day March 30 -- Council plans annual dance -- Council seeks queen entrants -- Easter recess dates are set -- Dramatists plan 'Heiress' show -- Music students audition today -- Cap and gown orders taken -- Local photographers sponsor press contest candidates -- Round about the campus / Dorothy Ludiker -- Alpha Gamma installs 20 spring pledges -- Webster pledges will have western dance tomorrow -- Army accounting personnel needs will be aired -- Club corner: WRA to meet in women's gym today at noon -- Campus hopefuls apply today -- ATS alumnae hold annual style show -- Commons open after 'Lid's Off' -- Prof. Carl Patton, Jr. advocates education should be full-time job -- Pan Hel group names sponsor -- Phi Sigs will host parents March 19 -- Sorosis sorority will honor fathers; guests at annual banquet Wednesday -- Math group extends bids to six persons -- "Mass production" students eliminated by changes at Washington University -- Classes will study national magazines -- YWCA group holds election -- Dean Grace Wilkie occupies new office -- Pan American Club names Savaiano head -- Who's running whom? -- Wichita pastor will address students at Easter convo -- Graduate promoted to Air Force colonel -- University debaters on KAKE program -- Student objects to voter apathy in past election -- 8 representatives to attend home economics convention -- "Something" in skies draws comment from astronomers -- Colonel Beebi, '37, receives BA degree -- Carrol Noel attends principal's workshop -- Faculty artists use variety of mediums in current show -- Speech students enter contest -- College studies cheating plan -- Logopedics students attend police circus -- U of W GOPs win positions -- Tennis tourney dates changed -- Varsity, frosh to get letters -- Sports roundup / Clifford Kraus -- Women's Rifle Club is organized here -- City police patrol street by business ad -- Spring sports schedule begins -- Shocker freshmen capture third place in Kansas AAU -- Author, ad manager speaks to students -- Cowgill and Gerling in sociology events -- Drake to take officials' test -- City officials ask student cooperation -- Seven women enter badminton playoffs -- Shocker cagers set 11 marks during season -- Library circulations upped in February -- Spring football postponed here -- Decker accepts music position -- Engineering grads find easier pickings; Korean situation creates more jobs -- Headless statue is 'landmark' in Ad Building / John Ryan -- Dean Wilkie names Platt as secretary -- Major Hartman is appointed celebration project officer -- Local library group plans Sunday tea -- U.S. Congress may pass new revised G.I. Bill -- Baker attends KSTA conclave
Photograph(s): Benefit show: The benefit concert to be presented next Tuesday will feature James Ceaser, soloist, and James Robertson, conductor. Myra Fron Smith (left), James Robertson, and James Ceasar are looking over the score for the benefit concert. p. 1 -- The 'girlie' line: Appearing in 'The Lid's Off' are (left to right) Shirley Cramer, Sharne Winters, Lila McWhorter, Joan Shaw, Carlene Sturges, and Mary Fran Sullivan. p. 1 -- "The girl we would most like to go to press with" contest candidates: Miss [Virginia] Moody, Miss [Lila] McWhorter, Miss [Shirley] Cramer, Miss [Jackie] Johnson, Miss [Johnell] Yost, and Miss [Gerry] Hunter. p. 1 -- Frosh win third in Kansas AAU: University of Wichita's freshmen basketball team received third place in the Kansas AAU tournament held in Wichita last week. Sidney Gates, freshmen guard from Newton, is receiving the trophy from Willard Garvey, chairman of the Kansas division of the Missouri Valley AAU. p. 7 -- Professor [Harold A.] Decker. p. 8
Article(s): World Student Service Fund show Saturday: 'The Lid's Off' will spotlight 'huge' chorus -- Benefit concert here: Ceasar to solo with symphony -- ROTC plans activities for annual field day March 30 -- Council plans annual dance -- Council seeks queen entrants -- Easter recess dates are set -- Dramatists plan 'Heiress' show -- Music students audition today -- Cap and gown orders taken -- Local photographers sponsor press contest candidates -- Round about the campus / Dorothy Ludiker -- Alpha Gamma installs 20 spring pledges -- Webster pledges will have western dance tomorrow -- Army accounting personnel needs will be aired -- Club corner: WRA to meet in women's gym today at noon -- Campus hopefuls apply today -- ATS alumnae hold annual style show -- Commons open after 'Lid's Off' -- Prof. Carl Patton, Jr. advocates education should be full-time job -- Pan Hel group names sponsor -- Phi Sigs will host parents March 19 -- Sorosis sorority will honor fathers; guests at annual banquet Wednesday -- Math group extends bids to six persons -- "Mass production" students eliminated by changes at Washington University -- Classes will study national magazines -- YWCA group holds election -- Dean Grace Wilkie occupies new office -- Pan American Club names Savaiano head -- Who's running whom? -- Wichita pastor will address students at Easter convo -- Graduate promoted to Air Force colonel -- University debaters on KAKE program -- Student objects to voter apathy in past election -- 8 representatives to attend home economics convention -- "Something" in skies draws comment from astronomers -- Colonel Beebi, '37, receives BA degree -- Carrol Noel attends principal's workshop -- Faculty artists use variety of mediums in current show -- Speech students enter contest -- College studies cheating plan -- Logopedics students attend police circus -- U of W GOPs win positions -- Tennis tourney dates changed -- Varsity, frosh to get letters -- Sports roundup / Clifford Kraus -- Women's Rifle Club is organized here -- City police patrol street by business ad -- Spring sports schedule begins -- Shocker freshmen capture third place in Kansas AAU -- Author, ad manager speaks to students -- Cowgill and Gerling in sociology events -- Drake to take officials' test -- City officials ask student cooperation -- Seven women enter badminton playoffs -- Shocker cagers set 11 marks during season -- Library circulations upped in February -- Spring football postponed here -- Decker accepts music position -- Engineering grads find easier pickings; Korean situation creates more jobs -- Headless statue is 'landmark' in Ad Building / John Ryan -- Dean Wilkie names Platt as secretary -- Major Hartman is appointed celebration project officer -- Local library group plans Sunday tea -- U.S. Congress may pass new revised G.I. Bill -- Baker attends KSTA conclave
Photograph(s): Benefit show: The benefit concert to be presented next Tuesday will feature James Ceaser, soloist, and James Robertson, conductor. Myra Fron Smith (left), James Robertson, and James Ceasar are looking over the score for the benefit concert. p. 1 -- The 'girlie' line: Appearing in 'The Lid's Off' are (left to right) Shirley Cramer, Sharne Winters, Lila McWhorter, Joan Shaw, Carlene Sturges, and Mary Fran Sullivan. p. 1 -- "The girl we would most like to go to press with" contest candidates: Miss [Virginia] Moody, Miss [Lila] McWhorter, Miss [Shirley] Cramer, Miss [Jackie] Johnson, Miss [Johnell] Yost, and Miss [Gerry] Hunter. p. 1 -- Frosh win third in Kansas AAU: University of Wichita's freshmen basketball team received third place in the Kansas AAU tournament held in Wichita last week. Sidney Gates, freshmen guard from Newton, is receiving the trophy from Willard Garvey, chairman of the Kansas division of the Missouri Valley AAU. p. 7 -- Professor [Harold A.] Decker. p. 8
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.21
v.56 no.21