The Sunflower, v.43, no.18 (January 20, 1938)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.18, Wichita, Kansas, January 20, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Week-end weather: Generally fair with temperatures ranging from normal to slightly above. Present mean temperature, 31 degrees.
The Sunflower is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and Intercollegiate Press services--completely covering the nation's campuses.
Article(s): Wednesday is the deadline to register -- 'Hell Week' gradually beating itself out out of existence on U.S. college campus -- Farming is subject of forum talk -- Prize ear ring, lost in Alaska, returned by air -- New board announced by Jardine -- Pi Kap, Webster win first place in second group -- Hutchins leading battle for cultural education -- Magazine carries art studio story -- Educator will explain causes of depression -- Lane is offered research check for work in '38 -- Wastefulness is reason for high electricity cost -- College morals rise in decade -- New educational plan is started -- Attempts made to 'accredit' 41 Kansas schools -- Findings upset atomic theory -- Oceanic display here four days -- 'Drama' tryouts held next week -- School receives valuable cores -- Colleges leading in television of courses -- Rigg and Skripay, blind students, praise school -- Croft observes prisoners' life, informal social -- State students at K. U. dominate NYA -- Sailor chooses university from world almanac list -- Georgia college games tax free -- Toronto University gives Hull degree -- Make your resolutions early; 'cash in' later -- Gambler's life contains more 'downs' than 'ups' -- Stickers on windshield forbidden by state law -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Wichita graduates hold jobs in various colleges -- Grad gossip -- Weddings of former students will figure in mid-semester activities -- Buckner reports on library meet -- Branch gives talk at A.A.U.W. meet -- Blue Key's selection of 'outstanding' women' is bound to be big struggle -- Roundabout -- Hippodrome date is revealed -- Dames will meet at Art Studio -- String ensemble to give program -- Hypatia features Mrs. W. M. Jardine -- Music duet gives broadcast today -- Fletcher speaks on science , crime -- Women's college offers most unusual education -- Army bandsmen to entertain at Gala Annual Ball -- Beta Alphas will have installation -- Rustenbach is maker of prized bottle stopper -- University coeds are on lookout for college men of Napoleonic build -- Pi Kaps to have book review tea -- Davis picks Rice book for review -- Shockers, Friends U. to tangle -- Builders are at conference top -- Water circus is planned Tuesday -- Wrestling program announced by Rarick -- W.U. wins over Michigan; Barbs in first place -- Intramural opens here Thursday -- Shockers divide Ft. Hays series with upset win -- Silver trophy won by Wichita company -- Comedy of college life on stage here -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick -- University rifle team organized -- Virus made visible; quarantine earlier -- England honors Indian student -- Ark Valley schools hold debates here
Photograph(s): [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Triplets?: Seeing "double" was nothing to guests at the Matrix tea last week-end when these three girls, Margie Gray, Barbara Ann Young, and Mary Lou Stratton, all arrived wearing identical shoes. But the girls weren't mad, so what may have been a heated battle, resulted only in a funny coincidence. Each had on a black hat and black dress, too. p. 3 -- Head campus sheet: Second semester staff positions, as announced recently by the Board of Student Publications, include, seated, Kathleen Hite, columnist; Marjory Gray, society editor; Mary Evelyn Brincefield, assistant desk editor; standing, John Keller, business manager; Jim Armour, editor-in-chief; Merrell Kirkpatrick, news editor; Kenneth Marts, cartoonist; and Max Milbourn, managing editor. Not shown are Doug Nunn, desk editor; Dorothy Tennant, assistant society editor; Charles Poe, men's sport editor; Gail Frank, women's sport editor; and Richard Lowe, photographer. p. 4 -- Lester Huber, Powhattan, is a hustling freshman of which the Hornets of Emporia State Teachers college boast. A is forward who is valuable in snatching the tip from center, he can hit from any spot on the floor. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.18
PubMed ID