The Sunflower, 1928-1929, no.12, December 24, 1928
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Lieurance, Edna
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.12, Wichita, Kansas, December 24, 1928. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Announce schedule of pre-registration next semester: And compIete suggestions for making out programs are included in announcement -- Lieurance composes eleven new pieces: Latest original songs of W.U. Music Dean now being published by eastern company -- $150 to University -- W.A.A. initiation soon -- Sectional ideas at student assembly reports delegate -- Do actual teaching -- Complete journal -- Teach R.O. Corps -- Art books arrive -- Arrange frat rules -- To hold tourneys soon -- Alpha Tau gives Xmas eve formal: With decorations kept secret sorority hopes to Spring Surprise at Crestview -- Pi Alph meeting -- Pi Kap plan shower -- Sorosis receives gift -- Alpha Gam informal is at Crestview: Cecil Stump’s Orchestra will play for fraternity dance tomorrow night -- Pi Sig discusses party -- Alpha Gam program -- A sudden death -- The sport world / Arnold McClintock: Wichita wins from Central teachers: McBurney scores 16 points in Shocker victory over Edmond; Small mat interest; A stag for gridders; Pass swimming tests
Article(s): Announce schedule of pre-registration next semester: And compIete suggestions for making out programs are included in announcement -- Lieurance composes eleven new pieces: Latest original songs of W.U. Music Dean now being published by eastern company -- $150 to University -- W.A.A. initiation soon -- Sectional ideas at student assembly reports delegate -- Do actual teaching -- Complete journal -- Teach R.O. Corps -- Art books arrive -- Arrange frat rules -- To hold tourneys soon -- Alpha Tau gives Xmas eve formal: With decorations kept secret sorority hopes to Spring Surprise at Crestview -- Pi Alph meeting -- Pi Kap plan shower -- Sorosis receives gift -- Alpha Gam informal is at Crestview: Cecil Stump’s Orchestra will play for fraternity dance tomorrow night -- Pi Sig discusses party -- Alpha Gam program -- A sudden death -- The sport world / Arnold McClintock: Wichita wins from Central teachers: McBurney scores 16 points in Shocker victory over Edmond; Small mat interest; A stag for gridders; Pass swimming tests
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.12
v.22 no.12