The Sunflower, v.53, no.32 (May 20, 1948)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.53, no.32, Wichita, Kansas, May 20, 1948 - 16 pages
Table of Contents
Images in this collection were made from commercially produced and digitized microfilm, may be of poor quality, and will be gradually replaced by copies digitized by Special Collections from original paper copies. Source material held by University Librar
Article(s): Class of '48 is largest at University -- University vacationers will go to Canada, Mexico, Europe -- Rosen wins Council post in election -- Faculty members say 'no' to outlawing Communist Party -- Foster gets editorship of Sunflower -- ROTC cites honor men -- AWS accepts applications -- 306 students are candidates for degrees at May 31 rites -- Poco que perder: I don't know what the story is about, but it's 'very' funny -- Navy seeks new pilots -- Council has money after book balance -- 10 campus groups reveal election of 1948-49 officers -- Roundabout the campus / Earlene Moore -- Websters close social year with traditional 'Heidleberg' -- Psychologists elect nine club officers -- Two couples take vows -- Jim Foster to head Colophon next fall -- Beta Alpha installs officers at dinner -- Kappa Pi to initiate new pledges tonight -- Pi Kappa Psi spring formal to be Saturday at Broadview -- Campus authors sell new magazine here -- Raison de tre!: KAKE r'table airs taxation discussion -- It's spring again!: Six Pi Kap members to trek to altar for wedding vows -- Freshman awarded Mu Phi scholarship -- And now it's 30 -- After graduation? -- Many vets, few instructors are headache for University -- Fine arts: Music scholarship quota is limited for next semester -- Graduation services to close activities -- 10 University men take Kansas exams for C.P.A. standing -- Action, camera!: News photographers greet Zanesville boy at Municipal Airport -- Petroleum company presents costly map to geology classes -- Music society elects convention delegates -- Double whammy!: Baseball team socks Hurricanes 20-12 in weird home game -- Four WU students attend pep meeting, represent Wheaties -- Dr. Hekhuis to speak at church meeting -- Universities in trouble -- National Education Association reports on teacher shortage -- University Library gets many requests for film projectors -- Trackmen take second place in Valley Conference meet -- Librarian to attend Columbia University -- Phi Sigs in first place -- AWS project is success -- Local music society holds annual picnic -- Employment talks slated tomorrow -- Walkout, beautification precede skits, May Day ball -- Dean Wilkie to fete senior women at tea -- Glamour!: Campus blond acts in blood taking epic for patriotic cause / Bob Ames -- Veterans' news -- Retention of profs in Kansas colleges discussed at Topeka -- Annual choir picnic planned next week -- Minneapolis confab convinces professor of psychology trends -- Journalists to attend Kansas Press meet -- University students issued final appeal to check with I.S.A. -- Hoop heads Californians -- Sympathy extended on death of three -- Expect record crowd May 29 at annual alumni reunion -- Wedding bells!!: W.U. alumni plan marriage rites in summer season -- Grad gossip: Alumni members keep busy with jobs, weddings, births -- Football ducats up for sale on June 1: seniors get first chance at tickets -- Gym shorts -- 33 receive commissions -- ROTC stays active during summer with 64 cadets to camp -- Team boasts high batting -- WU diamond men play Salina under lights: Shocker nine plays Coyotes tomorrow -- Tuffy leads swat parade -- Firsts are established here in sports, politics, dramatics -- Group elects 13 members -- 1948 yearbook out during exam week
Photograph(s): Bishop Mark Carroll. p. 1 -- Garner Shriver and Mrs. Robert E. Israel, Jr. discussing alumni reunion banquet plans. p. 1 -- Awarded to the ROTC: (Front row, left) Bill Fox, Shelly Gard, Albert Dempsey, Jorge Roach, Robert Hadly, Francis Buckman, and Bill Fein; (second row, left) John Hinkel, Charles Smith, LeRoy Berry, Reid Rogers, Rubin Garibay, and James Streiff; (third row, left) Arthur Jochum, Carl Ward, William Ketchersid, Warren Welch, George Denninghoff, James Denninghoff, Starr Calvert; (fourth row, left) James Morris, Virgil More, Russel Cranmer, Tom Castrisos, Glen Dody, Robert Shelly; (fifth row, left) George Urish, Maurice Miles, Jack Tetrick, Robert Sauzek, Charles Johnston, and George Robbins; (sixth row, left) Robert Langenwalter, Raymond Howard, C.E. Jones, Bob Armitage, William Angle, Erick Mohr, Harold Perkins. p. 1 -- June Cale; Martha Roop. p. 4 -- (Top row) Barbara Dunlap; Barbara Brosius; Pat Cooke. (Bottom) Sally Clifton; Zellah Dustin; June York. p. 5 -- Shown around newly-planted trees in front of Commons are (kneeling) Pat Olson and Harold Kemper; (standing) Leslie Blake and Eleanor McCormack. p. 10 -- Jim Armour (left) and Donald K. Enoch. p. 13
Article(s): Class of '48 is largest at University -- University vacationers will go to Canada, Mexico, Europe -- Rosen wins Council post in election -- Faculty members say 'no' to outlawing Communist Party -- Foster gets editorship of Sunflower -- ROTC cites honor men -- AWS accepts applications -- 306 students are candidates for degrees at May 31 rites -- Poco que perder: I don't know what the story is about, but it's 'very' funny -- Navy seeks new pilots -- Council has money after book balance -- 10 campus groups reveal election of 1948-49 officers -- Roundabout the campus / Earlene Moore -- Websters close social year with traditional 'Heidleberg' -- Psychologists elect nine club officers -- Two couples take vows -- Jim Foster to head Colophon next fall -- Beta Alpha installs officers at dinner -- Kappa Pi to initiate new pledges tonight -- Pi Kappa Psi spring formal to be Saturday at Broadview -- Campus authors sell new magazine here -- Raison de tre!: KAKE r'table airs taxation discussion -- It's spring again!: Six Pi Kap members to trek to altar for wedding vows -- Freshman awarded Mu Phi scholarship -- And now it's 30 -- After graduation? -- Many vets, few instructors are headache for University -- Fine arts: Music scholarship quota is limited for next semester -- Graduation services to close activities -- 10 University men take Kansas exams for C.P.A. standing -- Action, camera!: News photographers greet Zanesville boy at Municipal Airport -- Petroleum company presents costly map to geology classes -- Music society elects convention delegates -- Double whammy!: Baseball team socks Hurricanes 20-12 in weird home game -- Four WU students attend pep meeting, represent Wheaties -- Dr. Hekhuis to speak at church meeting -- Universities in trouble -- National Education Association reports on teacher shortage -- University Library gets many requests for film projectors -- Trackmen take second place in Valley Conference meet -- Librarian to attend Columbia University -- Phi Sigs in first place -- AWS project is success -- Local music society holds annual picnic -- Employment talks slated tomorrow -- Walkout, beautification precede skits, May Day ball -- Dean Wilkie to fete senior women at tea -- Glamour!: Campus blond acts in blood taking epic for patriotic cause / Bob Ames -- Veterans' news -- Retention of profs in Kansas colleges discussed at Topeka -- Annual choir picnic planned next week -- Minneapolis confab convinces professor of psychology trends -- Journalists to attend Kansas Press meet -- University students issued final appeal to check with I.S.A. -- Hoop heads Californians -- Sympathy extended on death of three -- Expect record crowd May 29 at annual alumni reunion -- Wedding bells!!: W.U. alumni plan marriage rites in summer season -- Grad gossip: Alumni members keep busy with jobs, weddings, births -- Football ducats up for sale on June 1: seniors get first chance at tickets -- Gym shorts -- 33 receive commissions -- ROTC stays active during summer with 64 cadets to camp -- Team boasts high batting -- WU diamond men play Salina under lights: Shocker nine plays Coyotes tomorrow -- Tuffy leads swat parade -- Firsts are established here in sports, politics, dramatics -- Group elects 13 members -- 1948 yearbook out during exam week
Photograph(s): Bishop Mark Carroll. p. 1 -- Garner Shriver and Mrs. Robert E. Israel, Jr. discussing alumni reunion banquet plans. p. 1 -- Awarded to the ROTC: (Front row, left) Bill Fox, Shelly Gard, Albert Dempsey, Jorge Roach, Robert Hadly, Francis Buckman, and Bill Fein; (second row, left) John Hinkel, Charles Smith, LeRoy Berry, Reid Rogers, Rubin Garibay, and James Streiff; (third row, left) Arthur Jochum, Carl Ward, William Ketchersid, Warren Welch, George Denninghoff, James Denninghoff, Starr Calvert; (fourth row, left) James Morris, Virgil More, Russel Cranmer, Tom Castrisos, Glen Dody, Robert Shelly; (fifth row, left) George Urish, Maurice Miles, Jack Tetrick, Robert Sauzek, Charles Johnston, and George Robbins; (sixth row, left) Robert Langenwalter, Raymond Howard, C.E. Jones, Bob Armitage, William Angle, Erick Mohr, Harold Perkins. p. 1 -- June Cale; Martha Roop. p. 4 -- (Top row) Barbara Dunlap; Barbara Brosius; Pat Cooke. (Bottom) Sally Clifton; Zellah Dustin; June York. p. 5 -- Shown around newly-planted trees in front of Commons are (kneeling) Pat Olson and Harold Kemper; (standing) Leslie Blake and Eleanor McCormack. p. 10 -- Jim Armour (left) and Donald K. Enoch. p. 13
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.53 no.32
v.53 no.32