The Sunflower, v.42, no.35 (May 20, 1937)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.35, Wichita, Kansas, May 20, 1937. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Players are admitted to drama group -- Neff goes to Emporia C.I.C. awards meet -- Frosh contest will be Friday -- R.O.T.C. men -- James T. Lee gets Gouldner annual honor -- Addition made to class gift -- Writers' book is successful -- Be hypnotized and crack 'A's' -- McDonald in South central health study -- Books due -- Seniors, how much are sheepskins worth? -- Juniors go to camp in Leavenworth -- Barb-Shockers put Kinsey in student post -- Local R.O.T.C. given rating of 'excellent' -- Onsgard gets Eastern award -- Milbourn and B. Kelley are new editors -- Recital is offered by music students -- Pi Alph splits with coalition -- Ensemble is in Pine Room bow May 24 -- Sievers chosen by select body -- Newman Club being formed in University -- Senior group visits campus -- Lack of school tradition is stigma on university campus -- Continued optimism is needed medicine for ills-Chrysler -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- Students preparing to 'dig in' for finals week -- Gunter chosen Blue Key head -- Miss Wilkie will have tea for senior women -- Georgia has 'mech' grader -- Call given for police cadets -- Pre-medics to install newly elected officers -- Hillbrand talks to Whitewater Group -- Agnes Gorman to wed Max Allen on June 20 -- Dixon-Downs wedding solemnized on May 15 -- Campus jobs give prestige? -- Jardine addresses Norwich's seniors -- Political Science Club holds annual outing -- F. of W.S. has annual banquet -- June weddings are set for graduates -- Farleigh is new Colophon president -- Sorosis gives Organdy prom -- Miss Ricketts will give tea on May 23 -- Dramatic group has initiation for ten -- Patrons for Webster Heidelberg are chosen -- Music sorority has installation May 17 -- Pi Kaps have colorful party -- Mrs. Allman honored by Epsilon Kappa Rho -- Sorority party will be Friday -- Roundabout -- Kathleen Hite heads matrix -- Kappa Delta Pi is to have breakfast -- Buffet supper will be given for senior women -- Let's dance -- Shockers win championship in C.C. golf -- Last ball game is next week -- Emporia meet closes season -- Aileen Calkins given award by federation -- Four letters to varsity netmen -- The sporting thing / Roger Baker -- Sixteen trackmen receive letters -- Vandals take girls archery win over DO's -- Tennismen are C.C. singles, doubles Aces -- Barbs are first in baseball games -- Weigand wins tennis match over Bennett
Photograph(s): The recipient of the Gouldner Award in journalism this year is Jimmie Lee. The presentation was made by Mrs. Rene Gouldner at the Jounalism Banquet last week. p. 1 -- The students elected Charles Kinsey to the presidency of the Student Council at an all school election last week. Mr. Kinsey was the candidate of the Barb-Shocker party. p. 1 -- Kathleen Hite. p. 2 -- Newly elected sorority presidents for the coming semester include, left to right: Margaret McCluer, Pi Kappa Psi; Betty Gensch, Sorosis; Marjorie Royer, Delta Omega; Beulah Barrett, Epsilon Kappa Rho; and Peggy Southworth, Alpha Tau Sigma. p. 3
Article(s): Players are admitted to drama group -- Neff goes to Emporia C.I.C. awards meet -- Frosh contest will be Friday -- R.O.T.C. men -- James T. Lee gets Gouldner annual honor -- Addition made to class gift -- Writers' book is successful -- Be hypnotized and crack 'A's' -- McDonald in South central health study -- Books due -- Seniors, how much are sheepskins worth? -- Juniors go to camp in Leavenworth -- Barb-Shockers put Kinsey in student post -- Local R.O.T.C. given rating of 'excellent' -- Onsgard gets Eastern award -- Milbourn and B. Kelley are new editors -- Recital is offered by music students -- Pi Alph splits with coalition -- Ensemble is in Pine Room bow May 24 -- Sievers chosen by select body -- Newman Club being formed in University -- Senior group visits campus -- Lack of school tradition is stigma on university campus -- Continued optimism is needed medicine for ills-Chrysler -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- Students preparing to 'dig in' for finals week -- Gunter chosen Blue Key head -- Miss Wilkie will have tea for senior women -- Georgia has 'mech' grader -- Call given for police cadets -- Pre-medics to install newly elected officers -- Hillbrand talks to Whitewater Group -- Agnes Gorman to wed Max Allen on June 20 -- Dixon-Downs wedding solemnized on May 15 -- Campus jobs give prestige? -- Jardine addresses Norwich's seniors -- Political Science Club holds annual outing -- F. of W.S. has annual banquet -- June weddings are set for graduates -- Farleigh is new Colophon president -- Sorosis gives Organdy prom -- Miss Ricketts will give tea on May 23 -- Dramatic group has initiation for ten -- Patrons for Webster Heidelberg are chosen -- Music sorority has installation May 17 -- Pi Kaps have colorful party -- Mrs. Allman honored by Epsilon Kappa Rho -- Sorority party will be Friday -- Roundabout -- Kathleen Hite heads matrix -- Kappa Delta Pi is to have breakfast -- Buffet supper will be given for senior women -- Let's dance -- Shockers win championship in C.C. golf -- Last ball game is next week -- Emporia meet closes season -- Aileen Calkins given award by federation -- Four letters to varsity netmen -- The sporting thing / Roger Baker -- Sixteen trackmen receive letters -- Vandals take girls archery win over DO's -- Tennismen are C.C. singles, doubles Aces -- Barbs are first in baseball games -- Weigand wins tennis match over Bennett
Photograph(s): The recipient of the Gouldner Award in journalism this year is Jimmie Lee. The presentation was made by Mrs. Rene Gouldner at the Jounalism Banquet last week. p. 1 -- The students elected Charles Kinsey to the presidency of the Student Council at an all school election last week. Mr. Kinsey was the candidate of the Barb-Shocker party. p. 1 -- Kathleen Hite. p. 2 -- Newly elected sorority presidents for the coming semester include, left to right: Margaret McCluer, Pi Kappa Psi; Betty Gensch, Sorosis; Marjorie Royer, Delta Omega; Beulah Barrett, Epsilon Kappa Rho; and Peggy Southworth, Alpha Tau Sigma. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.35
v.42 no.35