The Sunflower, v.42, no.36 (May 27, 1937)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.36, Wichita, Kansas, May 27, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Brincefield, Darling will be editors -- Seniors, here's the 'why' of your caps and gowns -- 30 teachers remain for summer term -- I. P. Johnson is to give senior talk -- Rarick gets coach job as director -- Dunn elected to Sigma Xi members roll -- Robert Strain gets scholar's appointment -- Battered book from tragedy -- Newton, Perry go to arsenal -- Nordhem is to take new job -- Omega Upsilon has election -- 15 will attend Estes camp in Colorado Park -- Bowers painting sold for $100 -- Frederick Isely is in research work -- No jump in annual's bills -- Jardine farms during summer -- Lane in research work for summer -- University will award 164 diplomas to students during commencement -- Lost books -- Gym is scene for Legion's Boy Campers -- To marry, or go careering? -- Rogers finds big treasury -- Commencement program -- The Last Add -- Vassar is humanitarian; outlaws mid-year exams -- Giddap! is now students cry -- And after all, when you've got a degree, it's permanent -- Collegiate World -- Fraternity rushing rules amended by Panhellenic -- Rockefeller dies; leaves behind humanitarian benefits -- Y.M. plans for new activities -- Sorosis plans reunion dinner -- Guy's, here's how to save our earned cash, maybe -- Calendar -- Grads to be honored at annual reception -- Orchesis has final meeting tomorrow -- Websters have spring formal -- Jeffords-Corcoran wedding solemnized -- Kappa Rhos to honor senior girls at tea -- Roundabout -- Phi Sigs are to have reunion stags June 1 -- Final convo -- Iota chapter will entertain at meet -- Let's dance at the Lassen -- Pi Alpha Pi to honor seniors with stag -- Mother's Club installs Walker as president -- Medical Colleges accepts pre-meds -- Warning to all men-coeds discover strength -- Intramural is attraction to 37% of women -- The Sporting Thing -- MacMillan accepts Wofay's new text -- Lock refunds -- Phi Sigs win softball meet -- Bright future looms for '37 football team -- Women's Sport Glances -- Parnassus of this and other years contrasted -- Play is given at convention -- Third in conference--good outlook next year
Photograph(s): Baccalaureate speaker for 164 graduating seniors will be the Right Reverend Irving P. Johnson, the Bishop of Colorado. "The Fourth Dimension"will be the subject of his address at the exercises to be held Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the Auditorium. p. 1 -- Publications of the University next year will be put out by these men. Max Milbourn, top row, right, is the new editor-in-chief of the Sunflower. Working with him is Jim Armour managing editor. Second row, right, is John Keller, business editor of the Sunflower, and left is Curtis Astle, business manager of Parnassus for the second year. Lower right is Bob Keller, editor-in-chief of Parnassus. p. 1 -- Kathleen Hite. p. 2 -- Congratulations / W. M. Jardine. p. 2 -- Journalism organization presidents for next year are pictured above. Miss Kathleen Hite is the newly elected president of Matrix and Hample Fairleigh was installed as president of Colophon last week. p. 3 -- Fraternity presidents for the coming year are, left to right: Wayne Walcher, Men of Webster; Dick Price, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Elder Gunter, Pi Alpha Pi; Sherman Culbertson, Alpha Gamma Gamma, is not pictured here. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.36
PubMed ID