The Sunflower, v.72, no.07 (October 13, 1967)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Bodnar, Peter
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.72 no.7. Wichita, Kansas, October 13, 1967. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Freshmen to elect officers today: Seven to vie for position of president -- Parents to be feted at the sixth celebration -- Tulsa game, concert set for Homecoming -- News forum covers nuclear ban, taxes -- WSU coed assaulted -- Appointments made: Congree initiates honor code investigation / TOm McVey -- Gregory, civil rights frosh convo topics -- Eden tops foil foes at WSU; KU fencers 1st -- Seniors, graduates eligible for Danforth study grants -- Sunflower problems -- Weekend govt. seminar states Avery, Shriver -- Ballast supports frosh candidates -- The sound of music / C.E. Jaynes -- Honor men selects candidates, schedules coffee for tomorrow -- Lee to speak Monday in Forum Board Series -- Sig Alph ‘Little Sisters' compete in tournament / Bob Jordan -- Bodnar gives views on art, works, life in lectures, interview / Ken Ham -- Rhodes stipends now open -- One-day Vietnam War seminar set this weekend in McPherson -- Sweden exchange program to provide foreign study -- College jazz musicians to compete for honors -- Teacher bureau will interview for placement -- Society news: Greeks work overtime plan special activities / Cheri Basta -- University trustees defendant in ransom foundation law suit / Tom McVey -- WSU Phi Alpha fraternity receives national charter -- Working wives topic of 1-day conference -- Vocal music majors selected for 'Singers' -- Young Republicans hold meeting -- Pershing Rifles gain 18 pledges -- Logopedics hires two -- Shields-Wasser team wins 'Mushrat' debate tourney -- 'Improved' Aggies challenge Shockers 5aturday / Mike Kiser -- Frosh try for first win; Plan to 'wear out' OMA -- Grid guesses -- Kappa Sig, DU, Beta, faculty continue intramural dominance -- Shocker safety wins Missouri Valley Award
Photograph(s): Presidential: Candidates for freshman class President are standing from left to right Foster Smith, Jerry Lewis, and Ray DiTirro. Sitting from left to right Merle Riggle, Cheri Oatsdean, and Don Worford. Not pictured are Collete Gray, and Stanley Magill. p. 1 -- Blackjack: Pershing Rifles Frank Cobb is leading the PR cannon, at the pledge smoker, There are still openings for more pledges. p. 9 -- Sal Olivas guides New Mexico State offense from his quarterback spot. A strong-armed senior, Olivas ranks among the top college passers in the country. p. 10 -- Doug Dalton New Mexico State fullback will handle the bulk of the Aggie's running chores against the Shockers. Dalton rolled-up 528 yards on the ground, last season. p. 10
Errata: This v.72 issue mistakenly numbered v.73.
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.72 no.7
PubMed ID