2009-04-13 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 13, 2009. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2008-2009, v.22
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report): A. Introduction of Eric Sexton, Director of Athletics, ICAA -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: Standing committee appointments / Deborah Soles -- B. Annual reports from the Faculty Senate Standing Committees: 1. Executive Committee -- 2. Planning and Budget -- 3. University Curriculum -- (Old business) -- A. 8.05 / Policy on Student Academic Misconduct proposed revisions (2nd reading)
Attachments: Committee Appointments -- Policy on Student Misconduct
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the annual reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees - Executive, Planning & Budget, University Curriculum -- 2. Accepted the appointments from Rules Committee to Faculty Senate Standing Committees -- (Informal statements and proposals): Request for faculty to ask their departments about four-day week of classes fue to faculty and student absenteeism on Fridays / Senator Brooks -- (President's report): A. Athletic Director Sexton thanked the faculty for their work in helping the 200 student athletes at the University -- B. Budget update -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: Senate nomination / Deborah Soles -- B. Faculty Senate Standing Committee annual reports: Executive, lanning and Budget. and University Curriculum -- (Old business): A. 8.05 / Policy on Student Academic Misconduct proposed revisions (2nd reading)
Attachments: Committee Appointments -- Policy on Student Misconduct
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the annual reports of Faculty Senate Standing Committees - Executive, Planning & Budget, University Curriculum -- 2. Accepted the appointments from Rules Committee to Faculty Senate Standing Committees -- (Informal statements and proposals): Request for faculty to ask their departments about four-day week of classes fue to faculty and student absenteeism on Fridays / Senator Brooks -- (President's report): A. Athletic Director Sexton thanked the faculty for their work in helping the 200 student athletes at the University -- B. Budget update -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: Senate nomination / Deborah Soles -- B. Faculty Senate Standing Committee annual reports: Executive, lanning and Budget. and University Curriculum -- (Old business): A. 8.05 / Policy on Student Academic Misconduct proposed revisions (2nd reading)
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives