The Sunflower, v.42, no.34 (May 13, 1937)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.34, Wichita, Kansas, May 13, 1937. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Council fray tomorrow will decide presidency: Price, Kinsey run for office -- Lamont will give second music treat -- Convo concert final R.O.T.C. band program -- Rifle team is first in meet -- He forgot one item; to play -- Sandzen work is class gift to posterity -- Sisters receive master's degrees -- Sunflower in All-American honor rating -- Tom Tom is to be issued tomorrow -- Handball gets studies' time -- 'Art not just a pastime' is exhibit theme -- Schedule of final exams is approved -- Board accepts remodeled gym, just finished -- Parnassus out -- Army awards to company B in competition -- Laugh-riot by burlesquing business men for charity -- Big summer session for July, August -- New Sunflower staff is to be announced at '37 dinner -- Lovely ladies legs loom lusciously; lads look long -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- Wilners and Allmans plan summer work in Europe -- Ancient seas proved to 13 -- Elliott attends national meeting -- Hillbrand attends Emporia meeting -- Teachers to seven towns -- Frosh contest is postponed -- Pi Kaps will have clever party May 22 -- Senior girls tea -- Alpha Tau has formal dance -- Mothers of Phi Sigs will have luncheon -- Campus Greeks elect new officers for next year -- Roundabout -- Fraternity will have gay dance -- Miss Laura Mcmullen will wed Earl Cross -- Regents are honored at dinner on May 12 -- Language Club will have gay program -- Trackmen go to Emporia C.C. contest -- Women's sport glances / Laura Howard -- Tournaments are near closing date -- Emporian's are netmen's hosts for two days -- Four golfmen go to Emporia -- The sporting thing / Roger Baker -- Coeds attend sports event -- Golf tournament nears completion -- Student's father dies of gas effect
Photograph(s): These juniors are candidates for the the presidency of the Student Council. Dick Price, top, is the candidate of the Caucus Party and Charles Kinney , lower, is supported by the Shocker-Barb Party. p. 1 -- Kathleen Hite. p. 2 -- Preparing the arrangements for their respective sorority's annual spring formals are Miss Eleanor Martin, Alpha Tau Sigma, and, Miss Francis Berkowitz, Pi Kappa Psi. The Alpha Tau party is to be Saturday evening, May 13, and will follow an old-fashioned garden theme. The Pi Kap dance wll take place the following Saturday, May 22, and is to held at the Crestview Country Club. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.34
PubMed ID