The Sunflower, v.60, no.56 (May 11, 1956)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Student Council -- Constitution , University of Wichita -- Name changes
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.60, no.56, Wichita, Kansas, May 11, 1956. - 10 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): SC Ok's constitution; Up for student vote -- 1,360 pre-enroll for fall session -- Interest high as electioneers pull for votes / Diane Copeland -- Voting rules announced -- Yearbooks out this morning in commons -- Constitution center of hot discussion / Leslie Wilson -- Deadline set for vet reimbursement -- Koop named pep leader -- Class cards ready -- Regents approve promotions, remodeling -- President lauds campus interest in government -- It's been fun -- Top seniors get awards -- Sure-fire failure: 7 hints for flunking exams -- Debate club adopts policy for fall term -- Club prexy elected -- Coach Tillman optimistic; predicts tight '56 race -- Minneapolis Lakers draft Bob Hodgson -- 'Better than last year' -- University newsman's job is endless -- WU athletes to MVC meet -- Social organizations elect fall sales -- Greeks plan traditional teas for Mother's Day festivities -- Sorosis dance at Rolling Hills -- Woodward, Dwyer plan wedding -- Honorary group initiates 5 men -- Epsilon, Kappa, and Rho: Sorority sisters adopt 3 orphans -- 'Silver Mist': Pi Kap dance is tomorrow -- Stover, Peterson engagement told -- Credit union has new rates -- Dick Mapel elected new ISA president -- Moonbound: Builds interplanetary vehicle / Gerry Scott -- Tucker wins assistantship -- Sorosis, Gamma hold top grade averages -- Petitions accepted for forum positions
Photograph(s): Mortar Board members: Ten junior women were 'tapped' for membership in Mortar Board, national women's honor group, at the coronation ceremony Friday evening. They are, left to right, first row: Phyllis Brown, Virginia Christenson, Claudia White, Marilyn Nease. Back row: Maurita Hurtig, Carolyn Fletcher, Alys Richardson, Fern Sibbitt, Kathy Blocker, and Janet Noel. p. 1 -- Farewell from editor: Mike Anderson, editor-in-chief of the Sunflower, ponders over copy for last issue of the paper. p. 2 -- Professor gets 'sports car craze': Assist. Prof. Brigitta Kuhn, instructor in the German department, recently joined the trend toward buying sports cars when she purchased a 1956 German Volkswagen. Professor Kuhn says that the car has many good features but she says that she particularly likes her new automobile because it is economical to operate. / photo by Ed Thompson. p. 3 -- Shocker tri-captains: leading the University Shockers on their third march toward the Missouri Valley Conference crown will be (left to right) guard Dwayne Puetz, tackle Max Bretches, and all American candidate, fullback Leroy Hinman. p. 4 -- Bob Hodgson. p. 4 -- Pat Quinn. p. 5 -- Winning skit: Members of Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity surprised the Hippodrome audience with a large blue skeleton during their rendition of "Dry Bones". p. 6 -- Rocket to the moon: David Henderson shows the rocket he designed and built. Henderson is a member of the Wichita Section of the American Rocket Society. / photo by Ed Thompson. p. 9 -- [Forrest D.] Tucker. p. 9
Article(s): SC Ok's constitution; Up for student vote -- 1,360 pre-enroll for fall session -- Interest high as electioneers pull for votes / Diane Copeland -- Voting rules announced -- Yearbooks out this morning in commons -- Constitution center of hot discussion / Leslie Wilson -- Deadline set for vet reimbursement -- Koop named pep leader -- Class cards ready -- Regents approve promotions, remodeling -- President lauds campus interest in government -- It's been fun -- Top seniors get awards -- Sure-fire failure: 7 hints for flunking exams -- Debate club adopts policy for fall term -- Club prexy elected -- Coach Tillman optimistic; predicts tight '56 race -- Minneapolis Lakers draft Bob Hodgson -- 'Better than last year' -- University newsman's job is endless -- WU athletes to MVC meet -- Social organizations elect fall sales -- Greeks plan traditional teas for Mother's Day festivities -- Sorosis dance at Rolling Hills -- Woodward, Dwyer plan wedding -- Honorary group initiates 5 men -- Epsilon, Kappa, and Rho: Sorority sisters adopt 3 orphans -- 'Silver Mist': Pi Kap dance is tomorrow -- Stover, Peterson engagement told -- Credit union has new rates -- Dick Mapel elected new ISA president -- Moonbound: Builds interplanetary vehicle / Gerry Scott -- Tucker wins assistantship -- Sorosis, Gamma hold top grade averages -- Petitions accepted for forum positions
Photograph(s): Mortar Board members: Ten junior women were 'tapped' for membership in Mortar Board, national women's honor group, at the coronation ceremony Friday evening. They are, left to right, first row: Phyllis Brown, Virginia Christenson, Claudia White, Marilyn Nease. Back row: Maurita Hurtig, Carolyn Fletcher, Alys Richardson, Fern Sibbitt, Kathy Blocker, and Janet Noel. p. 1 -- Farewell from editor: Mike Anderson, editor-in-chief of the Sunflower, ponders over copy for last issue of the paper. p. 2 -- Professor gets 'sports car craze': Assist. Prof. Brigitta Kuhn, instructor in the German department, recently joined the trend toward buying sports cars when she purchased a 1956 German Volkswagen. Professor Kuhn says that the car has many good features but she says that she particularly likes her new automobile because it is economical to operate. / photo by Ed Thompson. p. 3 -- Shocker tri-captains: leading the University Shockers on their third march toward the Missouri Valley Conference crown will be (left to right) guard Dwayne Puetz, tackle Max Bretches, and all American candidate, fullback Leroy Hinman. p. 4 -- Bob Hodgson. p. 4 -- Pat Quinn. p. 5 -- Winning skit: Members of Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity surprised the Hippodrome audience with a large blue skeleton during their rendition of "Dry Bones". p. 6 -- Rocket to the moon: David Henderson shows the rocket he designed and built. Henderson is a member of the Wichita Section of the American Rocket Society. / photo by Ed Thompson. p. 9 -- [Forrest D.] Tucker. p. 9
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.60 no.56
v.60 no.56