The Sunflower, v.42, no.06 (October 15, 1936)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Department of Speech Science , Shocker Shots
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.6, Wichita, Kansas, October 15, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Shockers go to Ft. Hays on Saturday -- Goldbugs plan booster trip to game here -- Houston talks at demo meet -- Freshmen ask odd questions -- Cartoons to be new features for Parnassus -- Students exonerated - They do own textbooks -- Speech group will occupy new location -- Pratt selected for convention -- Library bulletin to be ready soon -- Fraternities get threats of removal -- Kappa Delta Pi meets Monday -- Officers elect Mary Cies as honorary Colonel for R.O.T.C. unit this year -- Two-day state meet concludes -- Library holds Jubilee exhibit -- Jobs obtained by all majors -- Morrison Library opens new room -- University unit aids in policing parade crowds -- Futile costs of war would buy comfort of much of the world -- Scholistic prowess is often matched with social charm -- Short pants / Grenville Darling -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- Sunflower adds cartoonist; producing smiles his job -- 'German Singers' to meet Monday -- Gorman-Kruske vows taken at high mass -- Soc in th' puss -- Banquet honors Welsh hockey team members -- Four hostesses preside at tea -- Grads split reunion between two cities -- 'Swing Session' is party theme -- Twenty second paddle party honors pledges -- Phi Sig dance honors pledges -- Alpha Tau entertains faculty, patronesses -- Gridmen go to Hays for league tilt -- Organization will resume activities -- Tech's defeat changes view of grid season -- 'Suggestion box' to be in library -- Men's sport shorts / Lois Carpenter -- Wins featured in conference -- Sunflower chief to attend convention -- Women's sport glances / Phyllis Powell -- Wichita Club loses to Welsh
Photograph(s): Junior jounalists: Pictured are four journalism students who were pledged by Colophon, honorary journalism fraternity. They are, left to right, Bob Keller, Bill McDowell, Doug Nunn, and Roger Baker. p. 1 -- Honorary Colonel [Mary Cies]. p. 1 -- Pledge presidents: Pledge groups of University sororities have again selected their presidents. They are, left to right, Miss Marsha Barrett, Alpha Tau Sigma; Miss Margaurite Hampton, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Miss Helen Williams, Pi Kappa Psi; Miss Catherine Gilbert, Sorosis; Miss Virginia Quigley, Delta Omega. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.6
PubMed ID