The Sunflower, v.46, no.35 (May 22, 1941)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Mikesell, William Henry, 1887-1969 , Rydjord, John , Board of Student Publications , Student Health Service , Student health
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.35, Wichita, Kansas, May 22, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Roll of 1941 grads lists 177 seniors -- Wills has position in War Department -- Palmer has heavy speaking schedule -- No speak foreign language, no eat, is rule at college -- Graduate will handle finaces of publications -- University to study students' activities -- University prepares for year's biggest blitzkreig / Catherine Schermuly -- Final senior events begin here May 31 -- Graduates have teaching posts -- Committees for I.S.A. named at Tuesday meeting -- Rydjord accepts roundtable post -- Croft to give talks -- Dr. F.W. Park is nominated alumni head -- Council studies voting problem -- Speech lab changes set-up for summer -- Mikesell writes book -- Shirley Bishop's art glamourizes simplest trivia -- Annual awards to be made at commencement -- Faculty's bright sayings linger in our memories / Marjorie Graham -- Distribution of 1941 Parnassus to begin Monday at rotunda -- Delta Sigma Rho to install new active members -- C.A.A. calls for primary pilots -- Medical schools get three W.U. students -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Typed on a Wednesday - American destiny lies in ability to select values / Fred Higginson -- Hillbrand to speak -- Grad gossip: 'Wheatzashockin' will be banquet theme -- Pi Kaps to have spring party at Crestview Club -- Seniors honored at annual spring tea -- Sorority honors faculty with tea -- McNeil in recital -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Political science men to have stag -- Minisa gives program -- Science classes hold annual picnic -- I.S.A. installs new officers at dinner -- Council will hold its spring dinner -- Journalism society chooses officers -- Candidates take exams -- Jealousy doesn't get you anyplace, Colgate Swan finds -- Men of Webster to entertain at formal dinner -- Wilkie to give tea for senior women -- Y.W. group sets tentative dates -- W.R.A. initiation held at banquet -- Dance officers to be installed at annual picnic -- Beta Nu sorority holds election -- W'Shockers to use new plays in '41 -- Betsgen is new wrestling champ -- Sports award is won by Sorosis -- Organizations play final tournaments -- Shocker cagers close practice with squad game -- Phi Sigs lead in net competition -- Stadium progresses -- Squibb visits campus -- Charley horse chatter / Bill Mandle -- Delta Omega wins archery tournament -- R.O.T.C. has last drill -- Health program offers benefits to all students -- Clough is improving after short illness -- Ramblers meet Alpha Gams for softball title -- Gym gems / Frances Blume -- Former tackle is convalescing from operation
Photograph(s): Park is nominee: Dr. F. Wesley Park, '34, is the choice of the nominating committee for president of the University of Wichita Alumni Association for 1941-42. p. 1 -- Editor releases yearbook: Betty Jane Roberts, 1941 Parnassus editor, today announced that copies of the yearbook will be distributed at the rotunda beginning at 9 a.m. next Monday morning. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson. p. 2 -- Blurton graduates: Ensign Victor Blurton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Blurton, 240 N. Holyoke, graduates today from Annapolis with the highest grades in his class of 500 naval reserves. C37Ensign Blurton enlisted in the Navy last September and his last cruise was to Cuba in November. He entered Annapolis in February for three months extensive training course. p. 2 -- Greek elect presidents: Campus sororities and fraternities this week announced the following presidents for next year - Edward Armstrong, Alpha Gamma Gamma; Art Prophet, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Jack Swenson, Phi Lambda Psi; Shirley Bishop, Alpha Tau Sigma; Kathleen Hitchner, Sorosis; Oweida Snyder, Pi Kappa Psi; and Harriet Porter, Delta Omega. Epsilon Kappa Rho and Pi Alpha Pi have not yet announced their officers. p. 3 -- Blume. p. 4
"Of course, The Sunflower will appear as usual during finals week"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.35
PubMed ID