The Sunflower, 1930-1931, no.17, February 4, 1931

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Fairmount College seal , Student Council election , University of Wichita seal
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.36, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, February 4, 1931. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): New staff named for Sunflower: Juanita Peterson is chosen managing editor for this semester -- Crowds pack high school auditorium -- Fraternities say Hell Week is to begin for pledges -- Scabbard and Blade rooms refurnished -- Jeffersonian Club to meet Wednesday -- Council women elected: McIntire, Robertson, Klepper and Bosworth are chosen Monday, Feb. 2 -- Last play of year gets postponement -- New Voters League have dinner meeting -- Enrollment for new semester totals 1,080: Records show 113 new or returning students -- University college announces number of students as 545: Drama, creative writing, insurance, cost accounting and American Institute of Banking are popular with down town classes -- Astronomy course offered down town -- Nationally known speakers address convocation soon -- Girls rifle team loses to Wichita Gun Club squad -- Dean Thurlow Lieurance to present new composition "Minisa" early this spring -- Memorial tower started: Drive for $20,000 for Memorial Fund began January 31st -- Explanatory opera recital to be given -- Cast for German opera is named -- Mrs. Hillbrand home -- Applications made for commissions in Reserve Corp -- Sunflower rates Associated Press -- Seniors must take final examinations -- Select date of circus: Only eight groups will be allowed to prepare acts for the Hippodrome -- Admiral Byrd talks at Forum Saturday -- Girls picked on the varsity volley ball team for this year -- Student hitch hikes way to Connecticut: J. H. Messick arrives home four days after leaving Wichita; Spent New Year's Eve in New York City -- You see, it's this way -- Faculty teas add interest to meets -- Girls' rifle team is 'snapped' in action -- Seals of University changed twice in last fourteen years: Eldon Keidd, '25, designer of present seal, gives interpretation -- Fairmounters took oratory seriously in former days -- Society and clubs: Feature varsity of the year to be held Friday; Alpha Gam pledges presents pictures; Pi Kappa Psi held formal initiation for pledges Tues.; When Greeks meet; Phi Upsilon Sigma entertained with semi-formal Sat.; Mavis-Gerhardt-Harriet Sweeney entertain guests -- Disprove ground hog theory; to start spring grid practice: Pre-season session to get under way early because Old Man Winter has flew [sic] the coop / Ken Sauer -- Girls are active in spring sports -- Phi Sigs upset dope to win over Pi Alphs -- "Football is devotion to an ideal," says Leslie Edmonds in speech before Rotary Club -- Says concentration is secret of success
Photograph(s): Admiral [Richard E.] Byrd. p. 1 -- Women winners in mid-semester elections: These four women will help solve problems of the student council of the University of Wichita. They were elected Monday in a quiet contest which caused comment because three officers, senior, junior and a sophomore were unopposed, officials say. Left to right, Raezella Klepper, sophomore; Kathleen Robertson, junior: Bettina Bosworth, freshman, and Lois McIntire, senior. Misses Klepper and Bosworth are Delta Omegas; Misses Robertson and Mclntire Sorosis. p. 2 -- Miss Thelma Ward. p. 3 -- Miss Mary Louise Parker. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.36 no.17
PubMed ID