The Sunflower, v.73, no.35 (March 4, 1969)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Student protests , Phi Eta Sigma , Police misconduct
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.73 no.35. Wichita, Kansas, March 4, 1969. - 8 pages.
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Faculty to speak for Egghead Week -- 'Citizens for Justice' protest harassment, loitering convictions -- Fight against bigotry needed for harmony -- Apollo 9's launching raises predictions -- Pass-fail, protest resolution lead tonight’s SGA agenda -- 'Kinetic art' program set for Thursday -- WACAPI begins neighborhood plan for improvement -- Lack of area spawns 'lavatory laboratory’ / George McHenry -- Divided opinions of protest given by Wichita merchants -- Attucks honored as American hero -- Vote -- For Keith Oliver -- Early years of Black Americans traced through heritage course / George McHenry -- Beer link cloudy, irresponsible charge -- Award-laden U.S. writers will speak -- Greeks comment on qualifications desired in selection of members -- Shocks grab second in MVC indoor meet -- Grid staff is completed for '69 season -- OU's Sexton highlights Sooner gymnast romp -- Rough hospitality shunned, cagers rebel with 71-61 win -- Shocking Shock comeback-win blocks Hurricane MVC chances -- Baby Shocks stomp Tulsa in 97-81 freshman finale -- Shocker bowlers hit point peak in match play.
Photograph(s): A friendly stroll: Demonstrators try to convince a Wichita City Police Officer to join their proposed boycott of downtown Wichita businesses. p. 1 -- Crowded: Dr, Brumaghim maneuvers around old facilities to work with new equipment. p. 3 -- Close quarters: Dr. Paul Ackerman and Dr. Joan Brumaghim set up their laboratory in one of the Psych Lab's restrooms. p. 3 -- Honorary frat chartered: WSU was recently presented with the charter of Phi Eta Sigma, the national freshman honor fraternity. Tony Beugelsdyk, LA soph, accepted the charter from James E. Foy, dean of student affairs at Auburn University, Huntsville, Alabama. p. 6 -- One man stand: Greg Rutaj scored 22 points in the last half of the Shockers' 95-87 upset over Tulsa, Monday. p. 8
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.73 no.35
PubMed ID