The Sunflower, v.48, no.11 (December 10, 1942)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.48, no.11, Wichita, Kansas, December 10, 1942. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): College makes two additions to W.U. staff -- Zerbe to direct first concert -- Blue Key opens blood drive -- University Library offers new books on post-war world -- Debate squad is invited to meet -- School cooperates in test blackout -- New psychology courses offered -- Milbourn named to A.C.P.A. committee -- War order stops future enlistments -- 'Cock Robin' is next production -- Students cooperate with university 'swap rides' plan -- Hospitals need technologists -- Third program in forum series to be tonight -- Gebhardt speaks at I.R.C. meeting -- Orders change C.P.T. unit name -- War brings regimentation -- For victory's sake--shut up -- Are you a real student? -- Shocker shots / Olberding -- Shocker grads are in service -- Typed on a Wednesday / Dick Gavitt -- Collegiate digest --University bulletins -- Sorosis sorority entertains with Christmas dance -- Epsilon Kappa rho entertains with 'evergreen ball' -- Roundabout the campus / Malone(y)'s Baloney -- 'Toy shop' will be theme of Pi Kap Christmas dance -- Wartime sports to be continued in Shockerville -- Volleyball play is set for Dec. 17 -- Shockers down Sterling quintet by large score -- College editors name all-stars -- Gas rationing to limit cage crowd -- Handball matches now being played -- Cage schedule now complete -- Cagers travel to Springfield for week's tilts
Photograph(s): Chicago Roundtable speakers: Appearing on the Student Forum this evening at the Chicago Roundtable are left, Maynard C. Krueger, who will present the political economists point of view; center, Henry Simon Bloch, who will present the viewpoint of the specialist in governmental finance and war economy; and right, Quincy Wright, historian and international relations expert. The Roundtable will discuss "After the War--What?" starting at 8:15 p.m. in the University Auditorium. p. 1 -- [Dick] Gavitt. p. 2 -- Chairman of dance: Barbara Watson is chairman of the Epsilon Kappa Rho Evergreen Ball which is to be given in the Commons Lounge, Friday, December 11. Delores Larson and Norma Duepree are assisting the chairman. p. 3 -- Dinner dance chairman: Katherine Nash and Mary Baker are co-chairmen of the Sorosis formal Christmas dinner dance, which is to be given Friday at 7 p.m. in the Allis Hotel. Al Sullivan's band will play. p. 3 -- Dance chairman: Betty Rieniets is the chairman of the Pi Kappa Psi Christmas buffet supper and dance, which is to be held at the Twentieth Century Club House, Saturday, December 12. Mary Jane Mader, Joan Cooke, and Martha Craig are assisting the chairman. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.48 no.11
PubMed ID