The Asmat of New Guinea: a research and information website of the Lowell D. Holmes Museum of Anthropology
Martin, Jerry
Issue Date
At present, there are several books written on the Asmat of New Guinea, as well as many artifactual collections throughout the world, both large and small. However, this information is scattered, poorly presented, and proves to be an impediment to research. Additionally, the cultural and art museums which currently house Asmat objects have not utilized emerging technology to reach a large audience, either for research or general educational purposes. Therefore, to address these problems I have gathered all relevant data into one source that is as definitive as possible, and that can be easily accessed both by the curious as well as potential ethnographers, researchers and travelers. To this end, I have created a website for the purpose of presenting the Downing and Bakwin Asmat collections to the lay public, as well as providing a research hub for anthropologists and others interested in the Asmat. This website contains a comprehensive bibliography, photographs of artifacts in the Holmes Museum collection, relevant data on each piece, links to other collections and websites of interest and/or research. It includes cultural information on the Asmat including, but not limited to, their cosmology, myths, rituals and the making of the pieces in the Collection. The website will eventually also provide audio-visual recordings from various ethnographic field trips to New Guinea since initial contact by the Wichita State University Department of Anthropology beginning in 2001. The Lowell D. Holmes Museum Asmat web page is located at: