My plan: family planning health promotion project
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Introduction: The rate of unintended pregnancy and infant mortality in Sedgwick County is among the highest in Kansas despite efforts to reduce pregnancy rates among adolescent females. Comparable urban communities reported successes in decreasing teen births and unplanned pregnancies by increasing access and utilization of LARC (long-acting reversible contraception). Purpose: As part of a larger community-based effort, the "My Plan" health promotion project was developed to promote access, education and utilization of existing LARC services in the community. Methods: The project prioritized women of low income, minority, less than 30 years of age, and sexually active with men. In the first year, the project developed a text-for-information number and a website with educational and resource information. Forty-five businesses across multiple sectors and geographic locations agreed to promote "My Plan" including barbers, gas stations, local libraries, apartment complexes, mental health providers, etc. A social media presence was also developed. This project created the collaborative foundation to improve birth outcomes and reduce health disparities. Results: Our preliminary data showed that for the first six months we had 676 website visits. The text-for-information had 37 subscribers--with more anticipated as word of the project continues to spread. Conclusion: My Plan has developed a base of community awareness of LARC in Sedgwick County. With additional health promotion efforts (local city bus, etc), a continued increase in subscribers is anticipated. The long-term health benefit is expected to be a decrease in unintended pregnancy and infant mortality.
Table of Contents
Research completed in the Department of Physician Assistant, College of Health Professions and Department of Public Health Sciences, College of Health Professions
Book Title
v. 14