The Sunflower, v.61, no.32 (February 15, 1957)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Duerksen, Walter , United Greek Committee
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.61, no.32, Wichita, Kansas, February 15, 1957. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Student Council favors forum fund cut: Regents to be sent reduced income plan -- HYM celebrities named -- Club names top seniors -- Crew Cuts to appear at dance -- 'Arnold' to appear on campus today -- 26 students to compete in auditions -- KMUW members to attend conclave -- Editorial: The right to control -- Too many cars: Plan to aid parking problem -- Two columns will appear in Sunflower -- Nurse aids students with health problems / Bill Boone -- Adult night courses begin -- Dorm chiefs named -- Chrisman accepts position with City -- New load plan inaugurated at the University of Kansas -- Rosen, Kirkpatrick to attend reunion -- Televised course proves helpful -- Text book [sic] revised -- Green plans progress: Seek mutual benefits through united action -- 'Belle, Bill of the Ball' crowned at HYM dance -- Wu boosters leave today -- Aid center gets new tape recorder -- Shocks to go on Road: St. Louis-WU to vie for first in Valley -- WU drops track meet
Photograph(s): Ten top senior men chosen at the YWCA’s annual Haul Your Man Dance are from left to right; Mr. Executive, Bill Swenson; Mr. Engineer, Kenneth Harper; Mr. Military, Jim Allen; Mr. Collegiate; Dick Coover; Mr. Personality, George Parsons; Mr. Government, Stan McGehee; Mr. Organizer, Dick Hilton; and Mr. Music, Larry Winkler. Not present in the picture are Mr. Scholar, Pete Burright, and Mr. Athlete, Garry Mann. p. 1 -- 'Belle and Bill': Chosen as Belle and Bill of the Ball, Saturday night at the YWCA's annual Haul Your Man Dance were Mary Joan Hiner, Sorosis, and her escort Van Chappel. p. 1 -- Corsage winner: The award for best corsage at the YWCA's annual Haul Your Man Dance, Saturday night, was given to Carolyn Fitzpatrick, Liberal Arts sophomore, and her escort, Terry Martin. p. 1 -- These nine men have been chosen to fill the top positions of the Army ROTC cadet battalion staff. Pictured from left to right are: First row. Jack Brannan, operations and training officer; Ronald Baker, Co. A commander; Curtis Headrick, cadet battalion commander; John McCarty, adjutant. Second row: John Durbin, Co. C, commander; Charles Williams, Co. D, commander; James Allen, inspector general; and Lawrence Downey. Other cadet officers not pictured are Larry Wilderom, cadet executive officer; Dick Woods, supply and logistics; and Bill Arnett, personnel officer. p. 1
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.61 no.32
PubMed ID