The Sunflower, v.39, no.34 (May 23, 1934)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Mikesell, William Henry, 1887-1969 , Rydjord, John
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.34, Wichita, Kansas, May 23, 1934. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Yearbook is dedicated to Dr. Jardine -- Miller wins appointment to Annapolis -- Students plan geology trip -- Survey shows American is most widely read magazine -- Pulitzer Prize winners named -- Students give recital Friday -- Dr. Rydjord to have book published in fall -- Cadets win awards for competition -- Joseph Maddy speaks before music class -- Select new officers of W.U. Greeks -- Ira Cram talks to geology journal club -- Dr. Hekhuis delivers baccalaureate sermon -- Inez Crowder will head Pi Kappa Delta -- Bowman Martin receives honor -- Sunflower to issue anniversary number -- Taylor and Shaffer new staff heads -- Wilner plans five plays for next year -- Seniors face busy days of school’s end -- University bulletin -- High school seniors win scholarships -- Students to give play at Lake Geneva -- Frank Kruske is host to men of A Company -- Roundabout -- Formal dinner given by Sorosis pledges -- Sorosis Sunday afternoon tea honors guests -- Journalists give awards banquet -- Websters to give annual Heidelberg dance on June 1 -- Alberta Cowman to wed Charles Morgan -- Wilners entertain University Players -- Honorary Colonel is to entertain Sunday for senior officers -- Sorosis entertains at annual Organdy Prom at Crestview -- Mary Neff wins city archery championship -- New publication for students writings -- Looking on / Olaus Larson -- Harlo McCall has composition published -- Dr. Mikesell conducts psychological surveys -- Pictures of Mexican trip interest, amuse audiences -- Pitt takes conference track meet -- Army men to attend annual encampment -- Women archers place high in annual meet -- Banquet closes W.A.A. year
Photograph(s): Bride-to-be: Miss Alberta Cowman, graduate student and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cowman of 121 North Erie will wed Charles P. Morgan, son of Mr. Charles Morgan of 906 Faulkner, Sunday, June 3. / photo courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 3 -- Entertains: Miss Francis Templeton, honorary colonel, will entertain the senior officers of the R.O.T.C. at a Sunday night supper in her home, 531 North Terrace Drive, this week-end. A military theme will prevail. / photo courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 3 -- W.U. tennis champs: Miss Eleanor Cracraft defeated Miss Natalie Ring in women's single tennis tournament Monday afternoon. Miss Ring won the first set and losing the last two surrendered the championship. / photo courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.34
PubMed ID