The Sunflower, v.72, no.25 (January 9, 1968)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower, v.72 no.25. Wichita, Kansas, January 9, 1968. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Several youths attacked after Field House game / Tom McVey -- Demos plan to cover Zinn at meeting -- 'Barefoot’ comedy hit opens Jan. 16 at WSU -- Chrisman explains work-study grants -- Board will quiz editor aspirers -- Team takes fourth slot in tourney -- Student protests more violent says national news magazine -- New dorm hours for coeds effective -- Letters to home / Linda Wood -- Hershey’s draft plan has no local effect -- Our final choice -- Joseph defends present Congress -- Writing Club open to local students -- College senior job offerings 26 per cent less than year ago / Ken Ham -- WSU plans to expand explained -- Shockers topple hapless Billikens; North Texas St., Drake next foes / Mike Kiser -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Gym squad to compete at Fort Hayes -- Cage season approaches mid-point
Photograph(s): "Barefoot in the park": Ray Dryden as Paul and Mary Blythe as Carie enact one of the telephone scenes from the Broadway comedy hit. p. 1 -- Comedian to appear: Bill Cosby will headline a 2-hour variety show Thursday, at 8 p.m. at the WSU Field House. The show will include The Pair Extraordinaire as guest stars. Tickets are now available at the Field House Outside Ticket office for $5, $4, and $3. p. 5 -- Where's the ball!: That's the question WSU's Roger McDowell (12) and Carl Williams (30) and St. Louis' Bills ponder. Shocks found the answer in time and won, 77-72. p. 7
Article(s): Several youths attacked after Field House game / Tom McVey -- Demos plan to cover Zinn at meeting -- 'Barefoot’ comedy hit opens Jan. 16 at WSU -- Chrisman explains work-study grants -- Board will quiz editor aspirers -- Team takes fourth slot in tourney -- Student protests more violent says national news magazine -- New dorm hours for coeds effective -- Letters to home / Linda Wood -- Hershey’s draft plan has no local effect -- Our final choice -- Joseph defends present Congress -- Writing Club open to local students -- College senior job offerings 26 per cent less than year ago / Ken Ham -- WSU plans to expand explained -- Shockers topple hapless Billikens; North Texas St., Drake next foes / Mike Kiser -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Gym squad to compete at Fort Hayes -- Cage season approaches mid-point
Photograph(s): "Barefoot in the park": Ray Dryden as Paul and Mary Blythe as Carie enact one of the telephone scenes from the Broadway comedy hit. p. 1 -- Comedian to appear: Bill Cosby will headline a 2-hour variety show Thursday, at 8 p.m. at the WSU Field House. The show will include The Pair Extraordinaire as guest stars. Tickets are now available at the Field House Outside Ticket office for $5, $4, and $3. p. 5 -- Where's the ball!: That's the question WSU's Roger McDowell (12) and Carl Williams (30) and St. Louis' Bills ponder. Shocks found the answer in time and won, 77-72. p. 7
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.72 no.25
v.72 no.25