1974-09-09 University Senate meeting
University Senate
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance , Meeting agenda , Meeting minutes
University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting, September 09, 1974. -- University Senate Meetings, 1974-1975, v.11
Table of Contents
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of the University Senate minutes of April 22, 1974 -- Orders of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business -- Adjournment
Minutes: Introduction -- Nomination for the post of president elect of the senate -- Special election meeting
Minutes: Approval of minutes -- Faculty welfare committee annual report -- Announcements
Att.1 Change in Senate constitution: Approval of the amendments
Att.2 Amendment to Senate constitution
Att.3 Addition to Senate rules under standard selection procedures
Att.4 Survey result report : Committee's recommendations
WSU correspondence: Results from schedule assesment forms -- Total chairperson response -- Total faculty response -- Faculty assesment form -- Total student response -- Student assesment form -- Combined total faculty and student response to questions -- Data sheet for faculty response -- Data sheet for student response
WSU correspondence: Community college transfer agrrement
WSU correspondence: Ad hoc subcommittee to evaluate the associate of arts degree
WSU correspondence: Administration senate ad hoc committee to inform faculty about collective bargaining -- Charge -- Committee report -- Members appointed
WSU correspondence: Administration Senate ad hoc committee on non teaching faculty -- Charge -- Members appointed
Minutes: Approval of minutes -- Summer session -- Fall session
WSU senate roll: Attendance
Minutes: Introduction -- Nomination for the post of president elect of the senate -- Special election meeting
Minutes: Approval of minutes -- Faculty welfare committee annual report -- Announcements
Att.1 Change in Senate constitution: Approval of the amendments
Att.2 Amendment to Senate constitution
Att.3 Addition to Senate rules under standard selection procedures
Att.4 Survey result report : Committee's recommendations
WSU correspondence: Results from schedule assesment forms -- Total chairperson response -- Total faculty response -- Faculty assesment form -- Total student response -- Student assesment form -- Combined total faculty and student response to questions -- Data sheet for faculty response -- Data sheet for student response
WSU correspondence: Community college transfer agrrement
WSU correspondence: Ad hoc subcommittee to evaluate the associate of arts degree
WSU correspondence: Administration senate ad hoc committee to inform faculty about collective bargaining -- Charge -- Committee report -- Members appointed
WSU correspondence: Administration Senate ad hoc committee on non teaching faculty -- Charge -- Members appointed
Minutes: Approval of minutes -- Summer session -- Fall session
WSU senate roll: Attendance
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives