The Sunflower, v.44, no.18 (January 26, 1939)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.44, no.18, Wichita, Kansas, January 26, 1939. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Wichita is selected for All-state 'Y' convention -- Valley debaters will meet here in tournament -- Printed articles bring inquiries -- Barbs schedule meeting Jan. 31 -- University uses modern method shoveling snow -- Musical comedy will be shown -- Student Council purchases booth -- Coeds will elect 'Mr. Wichita U." -- W.U. professor presents paper -- 'Outstanding Women, 1939' group includes 12 senior women; to be presented at Blue Key dance Jan. 27 -- Nunn heads Sunflower next term -- New-type lamps illuminate cases -- Wilson, Finley to be members of W.U. faculty -- Campaign of last week for student pep get results -- Eastern school drapes flags of Nazi institutions -- Neff presented at AIB banquet -- Geology course will be offered -- Accounting prof must leave for job next week -- Duerksen asked to music meet -- W.U. professor complete book -- New college generation will be one to say so -- Today's youth is waking up to world's problems -- Students express desire to become good citizens -- On the hill / Marge Gray -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- O’Hara answers inquiries concerning new library -- Campus opinion / Walter Duerksen -- Grad gossip -- Second anniversary of Commons is this week: Personnel of univerity gathering place popular -- Picture contest deadline set on Friday, Feb. 3 -- Former student will take over Smith's classes -- Elliott leaves for meeting of College Bursars -- Hinman defends big business in Thursday forum -- It's been Smiths aplenty lately -- Friends will seek win in cage game -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick -- "Gangster's Boy" to run at Civic -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Shockers open semester with Emporia squad -- Trip is assured for grid season -- Pitt holds position in conference -- Boxing tourney set for March -- Program of university sports is ranked high -- Workouts stop for track team as snow comes -- Begin practice for cagers -- Former university students announce wedding plans -- Roundabout -- Season fashions will be displayed at Blue Key 'After-final Semi-formal' -- Webster dinner to preced Blue Key semi-formal -- Campbell to give KANS radio recital -- Phi Sig dinner will compliment Smith -- Campus dancers to vie for gold loving cup at HYM Carnival Ball -- C.U.W. gives party honoring Smith -- Phi Sigs to give dinner party on Friday evening -- Kappa Rho mothers plan benefit bridge -- Plans complete for After-final Blue Key dance -- Sievers to speak to Robinson P.T.A.
Photograph(s): "Yep, it's March 24-26": That's what these 'Y' leaders remark as they read over the letter from state headquarters at Topeka that sets the date for the All-state Sudent [sic] Christian Movement Conference. They are Harold Brown, John Boyle, Mary Evelyn Brincefield, June Illgner, and Gail Frank, and they make up the executive cohmittee [sic] of the University's 'Y' groups. Lewis Crum is not pictured. p. 1 -- Doug Nunn, senior, was named second semester editor-in-chief of the Sunflower by the Board of Student Publications at their meeting last Thursday. He will assume his new position with the next edition of the paper. For the past semester he has been managing editor. p. 1 -- Who will they be: Miss ___ one of 12 women who are to be included among the "Outstanding Women, 1939," selected by Blue Key fraternity, is shown receiving her key - the symbol of honor bestowed upon her. p. 1 -- Marge Gray. p. 2 -- Milbourn gives finals: For the first time in five years, Max Milbourn, honor graduate of 1938, didn't have to take finals - he gave them instead. p. 2 -- Blurton takes training: Victor Blurton, '38, recently returned from a six weeks factory schooling of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. at Akron, Ohio, and is at present getting a week's experience in each of the various departments of the local district offices. p. 2 -- Forme queen with Y.W.: Geneva Kerr, '38, who was Homecoming Queen during her senior year, is now health director of the Y.W.C.A. at Westfield N.J. p. 2 -- Grad in Topeka: Lindsey Austin, '28, former basketball coach of the University is with the Equitable Insurance Society of New York and is stationed in Topeka. p. 2 -- Lolle Smith, Vane Smith. p. 3 -- One of the most prominent "athletic dynasties" in the history of the University is that6 of the Neelly family on Wichita athletic teams. Two of the boys who are still in school are Dale and Orie, dependable reserves on Bill Hennigh's cage squad. p. 4 -- [Katy] Dedrick. p. 4 -- [Bob] Campbell. p. 4 -- New Matrix president: Dorothy Tennant was elected as head Matrix, honorary journalism sorority, at a meettng held in the Pine Room of Commons last week. Miss Tennant will serve as society editor of the Sunflower next semester. p. 5
Article(s): Wichita is selected for All-state 'Y' convention -- Valley debaters will meet here in tournament -- Printed articles bring inquiries -- Barbs schedule meeting Jan. 31 -- University uses modern method shoveling snow -- Musical comedy will be shown -- Student Council purchases booth -- Coeds will elect 'Mr. Wichita U." -- W.U. professor presents paper -- 'Outstanding Women, 1939' group includes 12 senior women; to be presented at Blue Key dance Jan. 27 -- Nunn heads Sunflower next term -- New-type lamps illuminate cases -- Wilson, Finley to be members of W.U. faculty -- Campaign of last week for student pep get results -- Eastern school drapes flags of Nazi institutions -- Neff presented at AIB banquet -- Geology course will be offered -- Accounting prof must leave for job next week -- Duerksen asked to music meet -- W.U. professor complete book -- New college generation will be one to say so -- Today's youth is waking up to world's problems -- Students express desire to become good citizens -- On the hill / Marge Gray -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- O’Hara answers inquiries concerning new library -- Campus opinion / Walter Duerksen -- Grad gossip -- Second anniversary of Commons is this week: Personnel of univerity gathering place popular -- Picture contest deadline set on Friday, Feb. 3 -- Former student will take over Smith's classes -- Elliott leaves for meeting of College Bursars -- Hinman defends big business in Thursday forum -- It's been Smiths aplenty lately -- Friends will seek win in cage game -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick -- "Gangster's Boy" to run at Civic -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Shockers open semester with Emporia squad -- Trip is assured for grid season -- Pitt holds position in conference -- Boxing tourney set for March -- Program of university sports is ranked high -- Workouts stop for track team as snow comes -- Begin practice for cagers -- Former university students announce wedding plans -- Roundabout -- Season fashions will be displayed at Blue Key 'After-final Semi-formal' -- Webster dinner to preced Blue Key semi-formal -- Campbell to give KANS radio recital -- Phi Sig dinner will compliment Smith -- Campus dancers to vie for gold loving cup at HYM Carnival Ball -- C.U.W. gives party honoring Smith -- Phi Sigs to give dinner party on Friday evening -- Kappa Rho mothers plan benefit bridge -- Plans complete for After-final Blue Key dance -- Sievers to speak to Robinson P.T.A.
Photograph(s): "Yep, it's March 24-26": That's what these 'Y' leaders remark as they read over the letter from state headquarters at Topeka that sets the date for the All-state Sudent [sic] Christian Movement Conference. They are Harold Brown, John Boyle, Mary Evelyn Brincefield, June Illgner, and Gail Frank, and they make up the executive cohmittee [sic] of the University's 'Y' groups. Lewis Crum is not pictured. p. 1 -- Doug Nunn, senior, was named second semester editor-in-chief of the Sunflower by the Board of Student Publications at their meeting last Thursday. He will assume his new position with the next edition of the paper. For the past semester he has been managing editor. p. 1 -- Who will they be: Miss ___ one of 12 women who are to be included among the "Outstanding Women, 1939," selected by Blue Key fraternity, is shown receiving her key - the symbol of honor bestowed upon her. p. 1 -- Marge Gray. p. 2 -- Milbourn gives finals: For the first time in five years, Max Milbourn, honor graduate of 1938, didn't have to take finals - he gave them instead. p. 2 -- Blurton takes training: Victor Blurton, '38, recently returned from a six weeks factory schooling of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. at Akron, Ohio, and is at present getting a week's experience in each of the various departments of the local district offices. p. 2 -- Forme queen with Y.W.: Geneva Kerr, '38, who was Homecoming Queen during her senior year, is now health director of the Y.W.C.A. at Westfield N.J. p. 2 -- Grad in Topeka: Lindsey Austin, '28, former basketball coach of the University is with the Equitable Insurance Society of New York and is stationed in Topeka. p. 2 -- Lolle Smith, Vane Smith. p. 3 -- One of the most prominent "athletic dynasties" in the history of the University is that6 of the Neelly family on Wichita athletic teams. Two of the boys who are still in school are Dale and Orie, dependable reserves on Bill Hennigh's cage squad. p. 4 -- [Katy] Dedrick. p. 4 -- [Bob] Campbell. p. 4 -- New Matrix president: Dorothy Tennant was elected as head Matrix, honorary journalism sorority, at a meettng held in the Pine Room of Commons last week. Miss Tennant will serve as society editor of the Sunflower next semester. p. 5
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.44 no.18
v.44 no.18