The Sunflower, v.41, no.23 (February 27, 1936)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Creative Writing Club
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.41, no.23, Wichita, Kansas, February 27, 1936. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Wichita can win basketball title -- Class prefers male children -- Dr. O. Stutzer visits campus -- Faculty members will gie reports -- Dr. Wall speaks at church meeting -- Make your Parnassus appointments -- Henrion Gym is scene of Carnival Day: Hippodrome comes to University again March 13 -- Peon life to be shown here -- New officer arrives for ROTC duty -- Coed teachers to take trip -- Frank's pupils to give recital -- Mark Clutter is given honor in essay contest -- Alva teachers debate here -- Downing directs conversation class -- Graduates get new positions -- Professors have hypnotic powersK.U. to give 'Olympia' here -- Army band now preparing for many concerts -- Dean receives odd bookmark -- Students meet for Newton conferene -- Creative club being formed -- Setzer attends St. Louis meet -- Kansas Players here for first of series of exchange plays -- Loyalty oaths to serve purposes for which intended -- Press must carefully use its long-held freedom or lose it -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- 'Special bus' is highly praised by students -- Graduate club ends good year -- Lewis receives notice of camp -- University society: Alpha Taus to have annual Mardi Gras; Barbs to have party tomorrow evening; Pi Alpha Pi intiates five pledges Sunday; Pi Kaps will have an informal dinner party; Fraternities announce pledging of new men; Shocker co-eds have collegiate 4-H party; Matrix pledges have benefit book review; Pi Kap to have informal party; Kappa Rho alumnae to entertain actives; Kappa Rhos to have school day informal -- Shockers go to Hays for crucial hits -- Hinton praises work of WAA for fall term -- March 2 opens training grind for trackmen -- Haymakers will play Shockers here Tuesday -- Women's sports glances / Ruth Bryant
Photograph(s): Kansas Players Here Saturday: Here is a scene from "Olympia," a dramatic production is to be presented in the University auditorium, matinee and evening, next Saturday, February 29, by the Kansas Players of the University of Kansas. The production is under the direction of Prof. Allen Crafton who takes the character of Colonel Krehl in the play. From left to right the characters are Prince Plata-Ettingen, Charles Pipkin; Count Albert, Don Dixon; Countess Lina, Mary Myers Elliot; Colonel Krehl; Princess Eugenie, Jessica Crafton; Olympia, Betty Ruth Smith; Captain Kovacs, Norbert Anchuetz. p. 1 -- Mark H. Clutter. p. 1 -- Third R.O.T.C. officer: Lt. Col. George W. Price welcomes Maj. Martin DeW. McAllister to the University of Wichita campus and to his new duties here. p. 1 -- [Loy] Wood. p. 2 -- New Members welcomed by Student Council: Three new campus women were formally seated on the Student Council last Thursday evening at a dinner-meeting of the Shocker governing body. The members include, left to right; Frank Malone, Miss Margaret York, Miss Flora Lee, Ed Zimmerman, Miss Belva Webb, Miss Betty Neely, Miss Lois Combs, Jack Rathbone, president, Miss Ruth Sharp, Edwin Thomas, Miss Margaruite Sturm, Miss Phyliss Barber, Harry Corbin and Miss Alice Jane Brown. Misses Sturm, Neely and Brown replace Misses Webb, York and Lee, respectively. Miss Barber was re-elected as the junior representative. Earl Vore was not present. p. 3 -- Helps make plans: Miss [illegible] Mitchell is one of the Pi Kappa Psi co-eds who are aiding Miss Nelda Schlichting in making final arrangements for the sorority Leap Year party to be given tomorrow night. p. 3
Article(s): Wichita can win basketball title -- Class prefers male children -- Dr. O. Stutzer visits campus -- Faculty members will gie reports -- Dr. Wall speaks at church meeting -- Make your Parnassus appointments -- Henrion Gym is scene of Carnival Day: Hippodrome comes to University again March 13 -- Peon life to be shown here -- New officer arrives for ROTC duty -- Coed teachers to take trip -- Frank's pupils to give recital -- Mark Clutter is given honor in essay contest -- Alva teachers debate here -- Downing directs conversation class -- Graduates get new positions -- Professors have hypnotic powersK.U. to give 'Olympia' here -- Army band now preparing for many concerts -- Dean receives odd bookmark -- Students meet for Newton conferene -- Creative club being formed -- Setzer attends St. Louis meet -- Kansas Players here for first of series of exchange plays -- Loyalty oaths to serve purposes for which intended -- Press must carefully use its long-held freedom or lose it -- Short pants / Loy Wood -- Collegiate world -- 'Special bus' is highly praised by students -- Graduate club ends good year -- Lewis receives notice of camp -- University society: Alpha Taus to have annual Mardi Gras; Barbs to have party tomorrow evening; Pi Alpha Pi intiates five pledges Sunday; Pi Kaps will have an informal dinner party; Fraternities announce pledging of new men; Shocker co-eds have collegiate 4-H party; Matrix pledges have benefit book review; Pi Kap to have informal party; Kappa Rho alumnae to entertain actives; Kappa Rhos to have school day informal -- Shockers go to Hays for crucial hits -- Hinton praises work of WAA for fall term -- March 2 opens training grind for trackmen -- Haymakers will play Shockers here Tuesday -- Women's sports glances / Ruth Bryant
Photograph(s): Kansas Players Here Saturday: Here is a scene from "Olympia," a dramatic production is to be presented in the University auditorium, matinee and evening, next Saturday, February 29, by the Kansas Players of the University of Kansas. The production is under the direction of Prof. Allen Crafton who takes the character of Colonel Krehl in the play. From left to right the characters are Prince Plata-Ettingen, Charles Pipkin; Count Albert, Don Dixon; Countess Lina, Mary Myers Elliot; Colonel Krehl; Princess Eugenie, Jessica Crafton; Olympia, Betty Ruth Smith; Captain Kovacs, Norbert Anchuetz. p. 1 -- Mark H. Clutter. p. 1 -- Third R.O.T.C. officer: Lt. Col. George W. Price welcomes Maj. Martin DeW. McAllister to the University of Wichita campus and to his new duties here. p. 1 -- [Loy] Wood. p. 2 -- New Members welcomed by Student Council: Three new campus women were formally seated on the Student Council last Thursday evening at a dinner-meeting of the Shocker governing body. The members include, left to right; Frank Malone, Miss Margaret York, Miss Flora Lee, Ed Zimmerman, Miss Belva Webb, Miss Betty Neely, Miss Lois Combs, Jack Rathbone, president, Miss Ruth Sharp, Edwin Thomas, Miss Margaruite Sturm, Miss Phyliss Barber, Harry Corbin and Miss Alice Jane Brown. Misses Sturm, Neely and Brown replace Misses Webb, York and Lee, respectively. Miss Barber was re-elected as the junior representative. Earl Vore was not present. p. 3 -- Helps make plans: Miss [illegible] Mitchell is one of the Pi Kappa Psi co-eds who are aiding Miss Nelda Schlichting in making final arrangements for the sorority Leap Year party to be given tomorrow night. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.41 no.23
v.41 no.23