2005-11-14 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2005. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2005-2006, v.19
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee / Brigitte Roussel -- (New business): A. Blackboard Safe Assignment Disclaimer -- B. Forbidding Students to "sit in" classes -- C. Faculty Senate Committees with Student membership - quorum
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Bill Jarnagin, Senator representing W Frank Barton School of Business, Accountancy 2. Accepted the following to Faculty Senate Committees: Rules: Stephanie Thibeault (Fine Arts - appt ends '07), Walter Horn (Engineering -- appt. ends '08); Undergraduate Research: Peter Zoller (Humanities - appt. ends '08), Robert Bubp (Fine Arts - appt. ends '08) and Kim MacDowell (Education - appt. ends '07); University Admissions: Joanne Levin (Social Sciences); Center for Excellence in Teaching & Research Advisory Council: Rajiv Bagai (appt. ends '08) -- 3. Accepted the following statement for Blackboard Disclaimer: "Papers submitted in this class may be reviewed by SafeAssignment, a plagiarism detection service" -- 4. Accepted the following statement: "Due to occasional financial abuses, Instructors are strongly urged not to return any graded assignment to anyone not on the class roster" -- (Informal statements and proposals): Butler County Community College advertisement in the WSU Telephone directory / Senator Billings and Lancaster -- Request for information about incentives for faculty who will be teaching at the West Side Center and Students Promoting An Active and Responsible Community ((SPARC) will be hosting a recycling information booth November 15-/ Senator Roussel -- (President's report): Faculty Senate Policies for Handbook -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: See summary of action / Brigitte Roussel -- (New business): A. Blackboard Safe Assignment Disclaimer -- B. Forbidding Student to "sit in" classes -- C. Faculty Senate Committees quorum
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the nomination of Bill Jarnagin, Senator representing W Frank Barton School of Business, Accountancy 2. Accepted the following to Faculty Senate Committees: Rules: Stephanie Thibeault (Fine Arts - appt ends '07), Walter Horn (Engineering -- appt. ends '08); Undergraduate Research: Peter Zoller (Humanities - appt. ends '08), Robert Bubp (Fine Arts - appt. ends '08) and Kim MacDowell (Education - appt. ends '07); University Admissions: Joanne Levin (Social Sciences); Center for Excellence in Teaching & Research Advisory Council: Rajiv Bagai (appt. ends '08) -- 3. Accepted the following statement for Blackboard Disclaimer: "Papers submitted in this class may be reviewed by SafeAssignment, a plagiarism detection service" -- 4. Accepted the following statement: "Due to occasional financial abuses, Instructors are strongly urged not to return any graded assignment to anyone not on the class roster" -- (Informal statements and proposals): Butler County Community College advertisement in the WSU Telephone directory / Senator Billings and Lancaster -- Request for information about incentives for faculty who will be teaching at the West Side Center and Students Promoting An Active and Responsible Community ((SPARC) will be hosting a recycling information booth November 15-/ Senator Roussel -- (President's report): Faculty Senate Policies for Handbook -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: See summary of action / Brigitte Roussel -- (New business): A. Blackboard Safe Assignment Disclaimer -- B. Forbidding Student to "sit in" classes -- C. Faculty Senate Committees quorum
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives