A micro-macro coupling and physics informed modeling approach for bearing failure with x-ray CT characterization

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Cui, Xiaodong
Xiao, Jian
Lua, Jim Y.
Kariyawasam, Supun
Fulghum, Ethan
Saathoff, Caleb

Lua, J., Cui, X., Xiao, J., Liu, N., Kariyawasam, S., Fulghum, E., & Saathoff, C. (2021, December 29). A micro-macro coupling and physics informed modeling approach for bearing failure with X-ray CT characterization: AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. AIAA SciTech Forum. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/6.2022-2601


The failure mechanism of composite bolted joints was investigated using an in-situ X-ray CT technique with SSB test. A physics-informed modeling approach was proposed based on the traditional CDM method and a static bearing model. Residual stress in the longitudinal and transverse direction is considered due to the out-of-plane constraint in the bearing region. Meanwhile, a micromechanics model was adopted to predict the fiber kinking behavior of composite laminates under different constraints. The effects of the constraint on the compressive strength and kinking band angle were studied. The modeling approach was validated using SSB tests by comparing the stress-strain response and corresponding failure patterns.

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