A six-step model of potential victim's decisions to change location

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Smith, Martha J.

Smith, Martha J.A six-step model of potential victim's decisions to change location. Security Journal (2009) 22, 230-249.


This paper presents a model of how concern about personal security (a shorthand term designed to include assessments of both fear of crime and perception of risk) influences potential victims’ decisions to change location. The model examines the decision-making process from the perspective of the potential victim and provides a framework for understanding how the large amount of research on fear of crime and related topics fits together. Movement decisions are particularly appropriate given the opportunities for crime provided by possible victims in locations in which potential offenders are present. The model is designed to be used by policy makers -- particularly problem-solvers, planners and security professionals who may be approaching issues related to fear of crime for the first time. Researchers may also be interested in the model’s focus on looking at the situational cues of locations and the responses that potential victims may use.

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