1975-11-03 University Senate special meeting

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University Senate

University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Special Meeting, November 03, 1975. -- University Senate Meetings, 1975-1976, v.12

Table of Content
Agenda of the special meeting: General education and general studies requirements for transfer students report -- Proposed associate degree program in paralegal technology
WSU: Fund raising methods
Senate attachment: Vacancies on University Senate committees -- Committee on committees nominations
Senate attachment: Rules governing students transfering under the articulation agreement -- Rules governing transfer students not under the articulation agreement
Attachment: Distributed subject to approval or revision by the university curriculum committee proposed associate degree program in paralegal technology -- The paralegal movement -- ABA accreditation -- History of the proposal -- Program need and support -- Curriculum design -- Associate of science degree requirements -- ABA guidelines for approval of legal assistant programs -- New courses required -- Existing courses utilized -- Relation to other programs -- Resources required -- Instructional staff -- Program director -- Library resources -- Proposal for associate degree -- Proposed paralegal courses
Minutes: Minutes of the special meeting --Approval of the minutes -- Senate attachment