1978-05-08 University Senate meeting

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University Senate

University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting, May 08, 1978. -- University Senate Meetings, 1977-1978, v.14

Table of Content
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of the minutes for the meeting of April 24, 1978 -- Order of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business -- Adjournment
Report to University Senate from Tenure Promotion and Academic Freedom Committee: Introduction -- Procedural flow chart -- Summary of actions -- TPAFC survey -- Attachment -- Analysis -- Five year summary of mandatory tenure review -- Guidelines for tenure and promotion review -- WSU promotion and tenure calendar -- Academic freedom
WSU correspondence: Nominations for appointment to Senate Standing Committees -- Policy Committee -- Technical and Advisory Committees -- A resolution of the University Senate of WSU
Minutes: Call to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of minutes -- New business -- Motion to change nominee -- Vote on motion to change -- Vote on nominations -- Resolution to commend -- Report of Tenure and Promotion Committee -- Motion to receive and file tenure and promotion report -- Move previous question -- Vote on report -- Motion to commend