2004-05-11 General Faculty meeting

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Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the General Faculty meeting of May 11, 2004. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2003-2004, v.17

Table of Content
Agenda: Election of a Secretary & Parliamentarian -- Moment of silence for deceased faculty -- State of the Senate / Elizabeth Behrman -- State of the University / Donald Beggs
Attachments: Agenda of the General Faculty meeting, September 8, 2003 -- Draft Minutes of the General Faculty meeting, September 8, 2003
Minutes: Appointment of the Parliamentarian and Election of the Secretary -- Moment of silence for deceased faculty -- State of the Senate and Welcome of New Faculty: A. Necessity for improving communication between constituencies -- B. General Education committee requested a one year moratorium on new proposals -- C. Funding for University Libraries update -- D. Honors upper division curriculum update -- E. Academic scholarships -- F. Tuition Advisory Committee -- G. Chapters 1 & 2 of the Faculty Handbook have been revised -- Accomplishments and events: A. COCAO Morale Survey was administered -- B. Board of Regents considering a change in evaluation process of university presidents to include faculty -- C. Faculty Affairs / Dr. Elizabeth Behrman -- State of the University: 1. Financial issues -- 2. The morale survey -- 3. WSU' s responsibility to the urban area -- 4. Enrollment issues for the ebb and flow of the professional market as it affects colleges -- 5. The impact of 19 post secondary schools participating in offerings in Wichita -- 6. General Education program and goals need to match / Donald Beggs