1995-04-24 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 24, 1995. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1994-1995, v.8

Table of Content
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Annual reports: 1. Academic Appeals Committee -- 2. Faculty Affairs Committee -- 3. Library Committee -- 4. Tenure and Promotion Committee -- 5. University Curriculum Committee -- (Old business): A. Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Faculty Evaluation / William Terrell -- (New business): A. Sexual Harassment Policy update / A.J. Mandt
Attachments: Annual report of Academic Appeals / C. Robert Borresen -- Annual report of Faculty Affairs Committee / Fred Kraft -- Annual report of Library Committee / Roger A. Berger -- Annual review of Tenure and Promotion cases / University Tenure and Promotion Committee -- University Curriculum Committee report to Senate, Spring 1995 -- Meeting with B. Bowman and D. Nance on Ted Ayers' suggested revisions of Sexual Harassment policy / Jay Mandt
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted Annual Reports from: Court of Academic Appeals, Faculty Affairs, Library, Tenure and Promotion, University Curriculum -- 2. Accepted Section A - B of Ad Hoc Comm. on Faculty Evaluation recommendations -- (Informal statements and proposals): Request for clarification concerning the total amount of the Capital Campaign and final decisions / Senator Hundley -- (President's report): Wichita State University's Project Toward Mission report was well received by the Board of Regents -- Senate thanked Senator Allen for her years of service to the Senate -- (Committee reports): Tenure and Promotion Committee / Senator Mandt -- Faculty Affairs -- Library Committee -- Academic Appeals -- Tenure and Promotion -- University Curriculum -- (Old business): Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Faculty Evaluations