Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research, v.4 no.3

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  • Item
    Verbal-quantitative differential as indicator of temperamental differences
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1979) Schuerger, James M.; Kepner, J.; Lawler, B.
    With verbal and quantitative scores commonly available, the correlation of the difference between these two ability scores (VQDF) and temperamental differences would be of interest to clinicians and researchers. Previous research has suggested such correlations exist, although the personality measures, subject characteristics and methods of determining VQDF have varied widely. In the present study VQDF (verbal minus quantitative) scores are correlated with personality (16PF and HSPQ) and vocational interest scores for males and females in both high school and college populations. Results show consistent trends for correlations of the VQDF with a number of personality and vocational interest variables: high verbal persons are more tenderminded, bold, less anxious and similar to lawyers; high quantitative persons are more guilt prone, anxious, tough-minded and similar in interests to mathematicians. Results are discussed in relation to age difference. Arguments are presented for use of this methodology for studying VQDF and personality correlations. An example for the clinical use of these results is given.
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    The hierarchical factor structure of the WISC-R for reading disabled children
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1979) Wallbrown, Fred H.; Blaha, John
    A Wherry and Wherry (1969) hierarchical factor solution was obtained on WISC-R subtest intercorreations for a sample comprised of 112 reading disabled children. A hierarchical ability arrangement congrument with Vernon's (1950) structural paradigm was obtained. The hierarchy included a general (g) factor, two subgeneral factors corresponding to the verbal-educational (v:ed) and spatial-perceptual-mechanical (k:m) dimensions from Vernon's paradigm, and four primary factors corresponding to those obtained by Cohen (1959) in his classical analysis of WISC.
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    Longitudinal stability of the primary and secondary dimensions of the 16PF-E
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1979) Bolton, Brian, 1939-
    Thirty-two clients completed three standard personality inventories at the time of acceptance for rehabilitation services and again six years later. Stability coefficients for the 16 primary scales and eight secondary factors of the 16PF-E were calculated. The coefficients for six primaries and four secondaries exceeded .50 and were significant at the .001 level (A, E, F, H, I, L, Exvia, Cortertia, Independence, and Prodigal Subjectivity) with four being exceptionally high: I. Sensitive (.80), Exvia (.67), Cortertia (.75), and Prodigal Subjectivity (.70). These results, in conjuction with other data and previous research, provide additional support for Cattell's conceptualization of the normal personality sphere.
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    Constancy and variability of the HSPQ across two Israeli cultures
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1979) Zak, Itai
    The study aimed at investigating the content and pattern of second-order personality factors of the HSPQ across cultures and sex groups in Israel, and the similarity of the obtained pattern to the American normative group. The HSPQ was administered to 366 Israeli Jews and 353 Israeli Arabs of both sexes. The scales of the primary traits were subjected to factor analysis, where the number factors was assessed by the chi-square goodness-of-fit method. In general, the factor pattern found on the combined sample of Israeli children resembled past research for exvia, anxiety, cortertia, and superego, though different methods of factorization and determination of the number of factors were employed. When the data were treated separately for sexes or for cultures, factors which lend support to the hypothesis of the existence of certain unique group characteristics emerged.