Lambda Alpha Journal of Man, v.11, no.2, 1979

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The Lambda Alpha Journal of Man is published annually by the Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University. The Journal of Man is partially funded by the Wichita State University Student Government Association.

Editor-In-Chief : Dr. Wayne L. Parris
Student Editor : Martha Mullen
Student Editorial Staff : Hector Garcia and Linda Richardson


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    Lamda Alpha Journal of Man, v.11, no.2 (complete version)
    (Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1979) Lambda Alpha National Collegiate Honors Society for Anthropology
    This volume of LAJ consists of two articles: "Disposal of the dead amongst the Naciremas" by B. K. Swartz, Jr. and "Protein, nutritional hazard and cultural evolution: some theoretical comments" by Paul Diener and George Avery.
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    Disposal of the dead amongst the Naciremas
    (Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1979) Swartz, B.K.
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    Protein, nutritional hazard, and cultural evolution: some theoretical comments
    (Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1979) Diener, Paul; Avery, George
    A recent critique of ecological tqeory and the protein focused upon some general features of human nutrition and the cultural biases which have led to an overemphasis on the role of animal protein (Diener, Moore, and Mutaw 1980). In this paper, authors expand upon that general critique and develop an alternative, evolutionary perspective upon problems of human nutrition. They employ the relative importance of plant and animal foods in Mesoamerica as a useful example.