Doris T. Chang

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Dr.Doris T. Chang is Associate Professor of Political Science at Wichita State University. She received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of History at The Ohio State University in 2002. Her areas of specialties include East Asian history, the comparative studies of women’s movements in the Asia-Pacific Region and the United States, and Asian American women’s studies. Dr. Chang authored the first monographic research in English to consider feminist movements and discourses in modern Taiwan. Her book Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan was published by University of Illinois Press in 2009. In addition, Dr. Chang did extensive research on the New Feminism of Ms. Hsiu-lien Annette Lu, the Vice President of Taiwan (2000-2008). She started her academic career at WSU in 2003 in the Women's Studies and moved the Political Science Department in 2020. To learn more about Dr. Chang, Visit her departmental web page.


Recent Submissions

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    Studies of Taiwan's feminist discourses and women's movements
    (Brill Academic Publishers, 2018-02) Chang, Doris T.
    In the twentieth century, Taiwanese feminists have selectively appropriated various strands of Western feminism to improve women's status and meet women's needs. In this article, several scholarly works pertaining to the analysis of various strands of Taiwanese feminism, and the historical development of women's movements published in the 1990s, as well as after, will be reviewed and discussed. The lifting of martial law in 1987 created the political climate that enabled Taiwanese feminists to lift their self-censorship and contribute to the diversification of feminist discourses and ngos in Taiwanese civil society. The mid-1990s was another watershed in the transformation of Taiwanese feminist discourses and women's movement strategies.
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    Gender mainstreaming and gender policies in contemporary Taiwan
    (Bridgewater State University, 2018-08) Chang, Doris T.
    In 1995, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (hereafter referred to as the Platform for Action) promulgated during the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women called for the use of gender mainstreaming as a strategy in policy formulations for pursuing the goals of gender equality. Feminist leaders of NGOs who joined the Taiwanese government in the mid-1990s were strategically positioned to contribute to policy formulations that would integrate gender-mainstreaming perspectives into policies and institutions in the Taiwanese government. Among the various approaches to gender-mainstreaming, taking positive actions to set pro-women policy agendas have been the predominant approach deployed by the Taiwanese government for promoting gender parity. However, the government's gender-mainstreaming strategies also include limited applications of the expert-technocratic approach to policy-making and the transversal approach for gauging public opinions through dialogues in citizens' forums to explore ways to meet the needs of women from diverse backgrounds. This article assesses the progress the Taiwanese government and civil society have made toward eliminating gender inequality as well as the specific areas that still need improvement before greater gender parity can be achieved.
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    Legalisation of same-sex marriage in contemporary Taiwan
    (Brill Academic Publishers, 2020-08-20) Chang, Doris T.
    In 2019 Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage pursuant to the Constitutional Court's decision two years earlier. This article adds to previous research on same-sex marriage in Taiwan in two respects. Firstly, this study contends that most of the major arguments made in the Court's decision in 2017 that legalised same-sex marriage were already present in several legislative bills that preceded the Court's ruling. Secondly, the separate same-sex marriage law that was finally passed in 2019 reflected the government's endeavour to reach a compromise in meeting some of the demands of both advocates and opponents of marriage equality in Taiwanese society. The story of the marriage equality debate is analysed through textual comparisons of relevant government documents, ngo websites of marriage equality advocates and opponents, newspaper articles, and academic journal articles.
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    What can Taiwan and the United States learn from each other's guest worker programs?
    (SAGE Publications, 2010) Chang, Doris T.
    This study argues that employers in newly industrialized societies such as Taiwan, like their counterparts in postindustrial economies such as the United States, practice outsourcing and recruitment of guest workers in the transnational labor market. This case study focuses mainly on female guest workers within the context of the Taiwanese government's guest worker policies. It also discusses the calls for immigration reforms in both Taiwan and the United States to achieve a more reasonable and flexible guest worker program. The article compares and contrasts guest worker programs in Taiwan and the United States and analyzes the positive aspects of each society's guest worker program/proposal that the other society can adopt. Since Taiwanese feminists, human rights activists, and church-based nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have advocated for the revision of immigration policies to safeguard foreign workers' rights, guest workers in Taiwan have become entitled to more legal protection than their counterparts in the United States.
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    Chen Chü: A Cosmopolitan Leader for Human Rights and Democracy in Taiwan
    (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015-09-25) Chang, Doris T.; Kagan, Richard