MALS Theses
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Item Public diplomacy: The significance of the office of inter-American affairs in United States and Latin American relations(Wichita State University, 2023-05) Adams, Jeffrey J.; Hall, MichaelThis analysis attempted to study U.S. and Latin American foreign relations towards one another and the need for the creation of the Office of Inter-American Affairs. In addition, this research reveals that the Office of Inter-American Affairs played a critical role during World War II. On the strength of archival records and secondary sources, a strong case can be put forward that through the efforts of the Office of Inter-American Affairs, U.S. and Latin American relations between the two regions improved precipitously and this improvement and cooperation contributed greatly to the Allies winning World War II against the Axis powers.Item Nationalism and postcolonial feminism: A literary approach to Palestinian women’s resistance(Wichita State University, 2021-05) Curry, Brianna Nicole; Gordon, Deborah A.In this thesis, I examine Palestinian women writers and their contributions to resistance writing. I argue that contemporary Palestinian women's writings significantly contribute to social justice movements concerned with “resistance.” This thesis defines resistance as a continual political movement that calls upon the oppressed people to unite and fight against social injustices and imperialism. While coming out of Palestinian women's writing, this definition is not limited to just the struggle for Palestinian justice but may be applicable across the current movement for social justice. I also argue that women’s contributions to resistance writing are greatly underrepresented by scholars who analyze and produce publications on the topic of resistance literature, primarily focusing their analyses on men’s writings and how they contribute to the movement. This thesis expands on the notion that Third World feminist consciousness was able to advance and thrive with nationalism. In doing so, I argue against Western assumptions that feminism cannot coincide with nationalism in a society that practices patriarchal traditions. Resistance literature written by women not only reinforces the idea of liberation and nationalism as seen in writings by their male counterparts, but it expands and reconfigures this literary form by combining their patriarchal oppressions and feminist perspectives with their anti-colonial agendas. I analyze the literary works of two Palestinian women novelists, Sahar Khalifeh and Susan Abulhawa, and how their novels promote nationalism and feminism, campaigning for displaced Palestinians affected by colonial-induced conflict. By highlighting these key issues Palestinians faced during the diaspora, both authors successfully advocate for women's empowerment and the Palestinian people's liberation.Item Born to serve: Christian attitudes towards women pastors(Wichita State University, 2018-05) Foster, Wilma C.; Thelle, Rannfrid I.This research attempted to develop a resource for women desiring to move pass negative Christian attitudes toward women pastors and preachers. The two main ideas considered in this research was the Christian church and society's role in the development of the attitudes and the church's actions taken to support them. These two concepts have the ability to either promote or hinder women in ministry to pursue what they believe they were born and called to do. However, too often, it is latter that has occurred. The hinderance is expressed different ways, which were explored as part of this project. It was concluded that the Christian attitudes toward women pastors have varied throughout the existence of the faith. It is the negative attitudes that have had a significant impact. Faced with these opposing views, women have turned from their calling or making the choice to pursue it difficult. In some instances, women have even considered leaving the church. These negative attitudes promote gender inequality, which affects not only adult women but also young girls as they see and experience.Item The lack of African American women in the faculty of higher education(Wichita State University, 2017-05) Royal, Christy L.; Lewis, Rhonda K.The purpose of this research was to explore the barriers that may contribute to the lack of African American women being represented in leadership roles at academic institutions. An analysis of the literature was conducted to examine the levels of racism, historical factors, such as slavery, civil rights and the impact of media images on African American women being in the academy are outlined. Critical race theory, social dominance and stereotype theory illustrate the barriers that African American women are confronted with and that may interfere with their pursuit of leadership roles in academic institutions. Recommendations and future research are discussed.Item Bisexuality and the threat of the hybrid(Wichita State University, 2016-05) Lind, Amanda; Chang, Doris T.Binaries dominate Western classification systems, and those that fall in between binary terms are often subject to discursive erasure. This thesis examines the category bisexual as a hybrid of the binary set heterosexual/homosexual, and argues that the cultural erasure of bisexuality is a function of power structures enabled by the binary system of categorization of sexual identities. Defining binary terms is a deliberate process enacted by dominant groups to establish difference and thereby maintain separation and differential distribution of resources and power in society. Marginalized groups also participate in this discourse, at times refuting it, but at other times bolstering it in efforts to claim legitimacy and resources. The hybrid threatens binary logic by calling into question the reality and sustainability of the two purported categories; the hybrid expresses the fluidity of identity and the instability of dichotomous terms, suggesting that the differences between groups are neither essential nor cause for differential treatment of persons based on such categorization. A comparative exploration of biracial as a hybrid of Black and white bolsters this argument, as commonalities between discourses on bisexuality and mixed race illuminate the operation of binary categories and the way in which they maintain hierarchical systems that privilege some groups and oppress others. This work sheds light on the ways in which binaries function in these two realms, the sexual/gendered and racial, thereby increasing the utility of identifying and deconstructing binary categories as an analytical tool for understanding and improving the social world.