Lambda Alpha Journal of Man, v.14, 1982
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The Lambda Alpha Journal of Man is published annually by the Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University. The Journal of Man is partially funded by the Wichita State University Student Government Association
Editor in Chief: Dr. Wayne L. Parris
Student editor: Alex Barker
Student editorial staff: Robert Blasing, Judie Brown
Recent Submissions
Item Lambda Alpha Journal of Man, v.14 (complete version)(Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1982) Lambda Alpha National Collegiate Honors Society for AnthropologyThis issue consists of three articles: Jung's Psychology and the Study of Myth by Paul J. Rajcok; Spatial Analysis in Archaeology: Historical Developments and Modern Applications by Ronald J. Rood; and Shamans: Empowered Healers or Psychopaths? by Scott D. Kwiatkowski.Item Jung's psychology and the study of myth(Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1982) Rajcok, Paul J.Paper provides an interesting counterpoint to structuralist analyses. Author attempts to correct some fundamental misunderstandings of the Jungian notion of the collective unconscious and its relationship to cultural expressions of this collective unconscious as myth. Myth, according to Rajcok, is both ordered by its parent culture and orders that culture by reinforcing the expressed patterns. Interestingly, Jung's archetypes serve more as Kantain categories than as the dialectical moments envisioned by Levi-Strauss. What emerges is a Jungian theory far more accessible to anthropologists,which parallels classical structuralism in accounting for variations in the form of particular myths, but preserves the integrity of the individual mind by differentiating the collective and specific unconsciousness.Item Spatial analysis in archaeology: Historical developments and modern applications(Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1982) Rood, Ronald J.Author presents a critical survey of the development and present state of spatial analyses in archaeology. He traces the root of spatial analysis to Tonnies' distinction between naturally defined spatial relationships and socially defined spatial conventions. He discusses its subsequent development through the Austro-German anthropogeographers, and its fissioning into a variety of spatial theories adapted two different social sciences. He provides an excellent tour d'horizon of these different theories and their archaeological applications, as well as attempting to define the directions in which these theories are likely to develop. Perhaps the most significant direction is toward a 'structural archaeology,' where the physical expressions of a culture may be viewed as elements in a system amenable to structuraL analysis.Item Shamans: Empowered healers or psychopaths(Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society at Wichita State University, 1982) Kwiatkowski, Scott D.Article examines the controversy over shamanic inspirication from the vantages of the leading advocates of each position. Ackerknecht is arguing that shamans are normal people filling a particular niche within their culture. Devereux views shamanism not as a cultural role but as a symptom of mental disorder. Kwiatkowski's critical treatment of this debate reflects a middle of the road approach, attempting to find a synthetic theory making the two polar positions compatible.