Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research, v.8 no.1

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    Application of factor analysis in psychological research: Improvement of simple structure by computer-assisted graphic oblique transformation: A brief note
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1986) Boyle, Gregory J.; Stanley, Gordon, 1940-
    Several studies have suggested the efficacy of topological rotation as an adjunct to oblique analytical rotation in attaining improved approximation to maximum simple structure of the factor pattern matrix. Recently, using a higher-order scale factoring of the motivation Analysis Test (MAT), and the Eight State Questionnaire (8SQ), Boyle (1983) reported a 6.17% increase in the .10 hyperplane count after only 5 Rotoplot cycles. Four of the 11 extracted factors were simplified. The present brief note examines the issue of topological rotation in regard to its usefulness and ease of application by investigators untrained in the procedure.
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    A note from the editor
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1986) Burdsal, Charles A.
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    Personality characteristics of wives and husbands participating in marriage enrichment
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1986) Krug, Samuel E.; Ahadi, Stephan A. (Stephen Ahad)
    The last 25 years have seen widespread growth in the availability of marriage enrichment programs throughout the United States. The working assumption of these programs is that participants have satisfying, well-function marriages and seek only to strengthen their present relationships and prevent possible disruption. Some research would suggest, however, that his assumption may not be entirely correct. Although participants may not be as dissatisfied with their marriages as couples who seek counseling, neither do they appear as satisfied with their marriages as non-participants (Powell & Wampler, 1982). The present research attempted to discover whether there were distinctive personality characteristics of marriage enrichment program participants which might be reflective of corresponding strengths or weaknesses in their relationships. Findings from the Adult Personality Inventory (API) indicated that participants in one program tend to appear more like couples who have problem marriages than those who have well-functioning marriages. Additionally, the API appears to be a sensitive indicator of relevant areas of interpersonal conflict and can be expected to become an increasingly important tool in relationship counseling.
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    Patterns of relationship between the 16PF and Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale
    (Wichita State University, Department of Psychology, 1986) Birenbaum, Menucha; Montag, Itzhak
    The relationship between personality and sensation-seeking factors was investigated in a large sample of applicants for jobs where sensation seeking was of special relevance. Four distinct patterns of relationship between the two domains were found. The first reflected an association between the Thrill and Adventure Seeking (TAS) component of the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS) and a personality profile of emotional adjustment, independence and inconventionality. The second pattern related the Experience Seeking (ES) component of SSS with a personality profile of sensitivity, nonconformity and low superego. The third pattern comprised the Boredom Susceptibility (BS) component of the SSS and personality traits that represent a tense person who constantly seeks changes. The fourth pattern reflected the relationships between the Disinhibition (Dis) component of the SSS and certain aspects of extraversion, especially those of impulsivity and group dependence. The findings were discussed in light of Zuckerman's theoretical framework concerning the nature of the sensation-seeking construct and its components.