Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, v.14 no.1

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    Journal of Management & Engineering Integration, v.14, no.1 (Summer)
    (Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS), 2021-06) Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS)
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    Comparing the frequency of reported wildlife strikes by region in the United States
    (Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS), 2021-06) Ferra, Gabriella; Alghamdi, Hamzah; Wheeler, Brooke; Li, Tianhua
    Wildlife strikes are a threat to the safety of flight and a financial burden to aircraft operators. Although wildlife strikes are an unavoidable hazard in aviation, they can be mitigated through various methods, including airport wildlife management plans, deterring animal inhabitance around airports, and a national reporting system to bring awareness to the issue. This ex-post-facto research determined the difference in frequency of wildlife strikes at non-military class B airports in the contiguous United States by geographical region. Regions were defined as follows: (1) the Pacific coast, (2) the western mountainous areas and Texas, (3) the Midwest, (4) the Southeast, and (5) the Northeast. A total of 27,036 reports ranging from 1/1/2015 to 12/31/2019 were collected from the publicly available Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) database. The data analysis of regions showed that Region 2 had the greatest frequency of wildlife strikes, while Region 1 had the least frequency of strikes. Moreover, a between-subjects ANOVA suggested that there was a significant difference in the frequency of strikes between regions in the contiguous US. The airports in Region 1 underwent significantly fewer wildlife strikes than those in Regions 2, 3, and 4. Region 2 also had a significantly greater frequency of strikes than Region 5.
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    Building design, resident's behavior, and indoor radon in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
    (Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS), 2021-06) Mansour, Osama E.; Haddad, Bashar
    This research aims to identify the impact of foundation type on average indoor radon levels in houses in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. It compares the averages of indoor Radon in 4 houses in Warren County, Kentucky, an area classified as zone 1 by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The predicted averages of indoor Radon greater than four pCi/L. The four houses are wood-frame structures; two of them are built on slabs-on-grade, the other two are raised on crawl spaces. A questionnaire was used to gather data about the occupant's behavior towards the indoor air quality in their houses during the test period. A T-test was performed to analyze the radon readings. The data analysis shows a significant difference in indoor Radon between houses of different foundation types. Unlike the previous studies, the houses built on slabs-ongrade show significantly lower averages of indoor Radon than those built on crawlspaces. Also, the results confirm earlier studies regarding the impact of the user's behavior on indoor air quality. Natural ventilation can significantly reduce the averages of indoor Radon. A limitation of this study is that it was carried out in only four houses. More surveys of indoor Radon in buildings with different foundation types are required for results to be generalizable.
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    Impact of organizational slack on innovation outcomes
    (Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS), 2021-06) Hill, John; Walton, Abram
    This research analyzes the relationship between the impact of organizational slack on patent productivity as a proxy for innovation and the resulting firm performance by longitudinally investigating 114 U.S. firms. The role of slack as a moderated measure of innovation was also explored, with its impact on technology and non-technology industry firms compared. In study one, the evidence concluded that slack is positively correlated with innovation productivity, but the company type was not statistically significant. In addition, the study did not find an inversion in the relationship between slack and innovation that would produce a negative correlation as the level of slack in firms reaches a tipping point. Study two demonstrated a positively correlated relationship between the rate of innovation and firm growth. The presence of slack positively moderates this relationship, and this moderation effect increases for technology companies.
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    A study on relocation of home field and improvement of game schedules for Nippon Professional Baseball
    (Association for Industry, Engineering and Management Systems (AIEMS), 2021-06) Shirai, Yutaka; Ono, Hiroyuki
    Professional sports are regarded as a business in Europe and the U.S. lately. Sport scheduling problems have been studied for increased attendance and improvement in game schedules. By contrast, Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) regards ball games as a performance. Therefore, the improvement of game schedules has not been considered seriously. However, it has been revealed that sufficient attendance for sustainment of baseball league management is not securable only at the present home fields. For that reason, it is fundamentally important to acquire spectators in various regions other than the present home fields for increased attendance. In addition to such management issues, trading of a ball club might also require the relocation of a team's home field. Given that background, it is important to design a game schedule that lessens variation in the travel distance of each team. This study analyzes factors that affect attendance by multiple regression analysis and investigates ball club relocation based on anticipated attendance. Furthermore, we determine a game schedule that minimizes the total travel distance using Tabu Search and propose a method of determining candidate destination cities for the ball clubs to be relocated. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed method using a numerical experiment.